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Progressive Stephen Smith Running for Governor of West Virginia, FINALLY!

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Michele Goddard
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I am so excited to see someone with a positive bottom up philosophy running for Governor in West Virginia. Of course he is fighting an uphill battle, not because West Virginians don't share his values, but because he will be up against decades of political corruption and corporate dominance that have left our state in a condition of utter decay. Please check out and share this video and encourage others to share it as well. If you feel so inclined, make a donation. This is the first I have heard of Stephen Smith but I will be following him going forward. It is time for a REAL democrat, better yet a progressive, to be in Charleston fighting for everyday people and workers.

He will be running against former WV Governor, current WV Senator, turned WV Gubernatorial candidate again, Joe Manchin. Manchin was the secretary of State from 2001 to 2005, was governor the first time from 2005 to 2010. In 2010 he won a special election for Senator Byrd's seat when he passed away and has continued to win reelection to the Senate, the position he serves in to the present time. For most West Virginians, who have seen continued deterioration of the state, it is hard to argue that Manchin, given the different capacities he has served in, he is not in large part responsible. Also his politics have shifted farther to the right over time especially in matters where Trump expects Manchin to capitulate on.

Two great things about this brief interview with Smith: He actually used the term bottom up to explain his approach to leading and he says his campaign comes out and says it does not claim to have all the answers and encourages input form the people. Radical.


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I was born in 1970 in Wheeling, WV and have lived here all my life. I come from mostly Irish Catholic coal miners and railroad workers. My original academic interest was in teaching foreign languages studying both French and Spanish in High (more...)

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