Never forget that the reason we have Donald Trump is because the Democratic party decided that they knew better than the American people, so they inflicted Top-down, and worse, rigged primaries upon us, setting up Hillary Clinton to be the losing candidate against Trump.
The same stupid, clueless, failed Democratic leadership is still in charge and they appear to be using the same doomed to fail approach for the 2018 elections.
Here's what should happen. Every open seat that is competing in 2018 should be treated as an open seat. NO INCUMBENTS should be allowed to coast through primaries unchallenged.
NO INCUMBENTS or DNC CHOSEN CANDIDATES should receive funding from the DNC or other incumbent Democrats in the primaries.
Let the wisdom of the crowds identify the best candidates.
Populist energy and contempt and distrust for Hillary put Trump in the White House. The Democrats must fully tap the incredible populist energy Bernie Sanders evoked, just waiting to be tapped. The only way to do that is for the Democratic Party leadership to step aside and really allow a Bottom up election process to occur. Repetition of the Top down leadership and decision making and failure to allow such a Bottom up process will almost certainly insure that the Republicans will retain the control of the House and Senate and increase.
This will be difficult for the people who hold power and the people who benefit from their connections to the existing power system. It's been said that people are desperately fighting to hold onto their desk chairs on the Titanic. So it is not realistic to expect the Top down power holders to let go. They will fight to keep their power. That's right. They will fight. It will take tough, determined leadership to pry the power away from them. We see it happening on the right. Teapartiers are successfully primarying incumbents. The same thing has to happen on the left.
I'm sick and tired of weak, impotent, can't-do centrists, like the DLC and the New Democrats. They are Republican-lite. And we've learned that voters prefer the real thing, not DINOs.
Hillary was a failure because she did not offer bold visions that aimed to bring big changes FOR the middle class and the poor. Progressive candidates must offer a vision that lifts the middle class and poor. Any sane, intelligent economist knows that the best way to create jobs and spur the economy is to get money into the economy. The best way to do that is to help people who spend their paychecks every week. The worst way is to give more money to the wealthy, or to allow them to keep more.
We need to elect leaders who demonstrate that they truly possess and live with Bottom up connection consciousness-- aware that they are connected to nature and people-- people who possess strength, empathy, honesty and, every important, a belief in transparency.
We can do this. It will be difficult. We must be tough and strong, as well as compassionate. And we shouldn't worry about being called names. If we are not, we're not aiming our visions high enough.