You can work with us to reach hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of moviegoers who are interested in and sympathetic to learning more about Presidential Abuse Of Power, Removal From Office, and Impeachment.
THIS IS A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY to motivate thousands to immediately contact their Congressman and tell them to call for impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Just tell'em to call 800-828-0498 & SAY IMPEACH, leaving a message for their Congressman.
Use the Frost/Nixon movie to get Bush/Cheney Impeached
The movie Frost/Nixon will open across the Nation on Friday. Lets all work together to tie that in to the need for impeachment now. Suppose ogranizations like United For Peace & Justice bring their 1,400 groups out on the street, just a few activists at a time at each showing of the movie at each theater with signs saying something like... --------- Nixon was an amateur, Bush & Cheney are Real EVIL Call your Congressman 800-828-0498 SAY IMPEACH --------- (keep the sign's topic solely on impeachment & WMD Lies)
It Would Be The Greatest Recruiting Tool and Growth Opportunity that UFPJ is likely to see in the forseeable future, a huge recruiting opportunity, potential major growth, more political clout for other later battles. And also a huge opportunity lost if they don't. And there are those activists who are angry with them for ignoring impeachment. This would put that anger to rest.
The movie Frost/Nixon opens Friday and should run for at least 4 weeks all around the country. Isn't this an opportunity just perfect for the impeachment and peace movements?
Suppose UFPJ were to try to get their affiliated groups to stand outside every theater in the Nation for as long as the movie runs (at least until Jan 20th)... have at least one or two people at each entrance with harsh verbiage on signs. On your signs tell moviegoers what to do, show B&C as much worse than Nixon.
Wouldn't necessarily need a lot of people, just 2-3 at the start of eachshowing, then leaving and perhaps someone new showing up at the end of that showing/start of the next. Perhaps being there for 30-60 minutes. Try to limit activists exposure to the weather that way. Maybe activists would just handle the one theater closest to their home? A few activists in each community could cover a lot of showings.
I don't believe anyone who really cares about the Consitution, cares who or what group gets the credit, only that both impeachment hearings now and hopefully prosecution later, does occur. I know we will work with anyone on it. Let me know what we can do to work with you on this type of project.
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