High Crimes and Misdemeanors. - a.k.a. .Liar, Liar ... Pants on ...
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HERE IS the truth WHY Betsy DeVos is not fit to be the next Sec'y of Education! By the measures that are supposed to matter her experiment in disrupting public education in Michigan has been a colossal failure. In its 2016 report on the state of the state's schools, Education Trust Midwest painted a picture of an education system in freefall. "Michigan is witnessing systematic decline across the K-12 spectrum. Corporate education reformers are scrambling to make a distinction between charters and vouchers, but the reality is that charters clear a path for vouchers. Once you sell the public on the idea of school choice, it is increasingly difficult to say that parents may choose a corporate charter chain but can't choose a religious school." DON'T MISS THIS ONE!!!