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OpEdNews Op Eds    H4'ed 9/30/19

Public Notices/Private Questions/Musical Dreams

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Edward Curtin
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By Edward Curtin

Autumn trees country road fence
Autumn trees country road fence
(Image by ForestWander.com)
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Throughout our days we all notice many things that elicit questions that quickly pass through us as in a dream. Here are some questions that I caught on the fly before they melted from my mind, and when I asked myself what the answers were, only songs came to me, songs that didn't exactly answer the questions but set me to dreaming. This is an invitation to dream along.

* Two women out walking do not stop talking. An elderly man and woman out dining do not start talking.

Who says the most?

"Hello in There," John Prine

* Every morning at sunrise, a simple, mild, and gentle man, seemingly somehow disabled, a camera hanging around his neck, stands stock still and half-hidden by reeds and bushes at the edge of a lake. For hours he waits to take photos of wildlife deer, coyotes, bear, herons emerging from the woods and lake's edges.

What is it about wildness that he seeks to capture with his camera?

"Like A Bird on a Wire," Leonard Cohen

* In a small New England town known as a haven for tourists and wealthy second-house owners from the city, the local Saturday morning farmers' market features a parade of dogs being shown off by their visiting owners.

Who is on the leash?

"Hound Dog," Elvis

* A new 6thgrade teacher reports to her department head that she is disturbed by the large number of her students who want to be addressed as "they." She recounts how she just returned from taking her daughter to college at a prominent state university where all the professors who gave talks to parents and new students introduced themselves by saying how they wished to be addressed: he, she, they, etc.

Is this what it's all about in today's schools of show and tell?

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Edward Curtin is a widely published author. His new book is Seeking Truth in A Country of Lies - https://www.claritypress.com/product/seeking-truth-in-a-country-of-lies/ His website is http://edwardcurtin.com/

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