A recent poll found that only 15 percent of Americans were interested in the up coming elections. And one only needs to watch the 24 hour news networks to see that our national political dialogue is scattered and banal.
Recently ISIS has taken up news coverage, but Americans believe fighting ISIS is a war we cannot win, like Vietnam, so there is apathy. Moreover we all agree ISIS is a heinous organization.
Remember the good old days when guns, God and gays were the topics? These are stupid issues to decide elections over when regulation in the financial industry is toothless and climate change is threatening human survival.
But these issues hit home to everyone and so it was much easier to take up a side and get passionately involved. The left wing needs to do a better job resonating with Americans. Americans need to feel like they have a stake in the upcoming elections.
So it is time for Democrats to put family values into their talking points and draw the stark contrast between average families and the types of tycoons who benefit from Republican policies. The differences could not be more stark.
Right now Republicans can run on cutting spending and repealing Obamacare, and that is appealing given that we are $17 trillion in debt and Obama's popularity is fading.
To win over that rural popular vote, talk about values in a way that makes sense. For example say that Republicans are enabling people like Lloyd Blankfein to have his way with your rural daughters who have left for the city. Instead of churches and family barbeques Republicans are enabling the lifestyles of limousine driving, martini drinking, yacht clubbing, spa bathing, elites.
Let's face it. It's unattractive to be rich unless your someone like Warren Buffet. They don't have big families and they don't have big hearts. The more Democrats can paint Republicans as friends of people who don't have the same family values as rural America the better they are going to do and the more voters will feel like they can jump in and take a side.
(Article changed on October 9, 2014 at 09:54)