There are many stressers in our society and we can eliminate them if we pay attention and focus on what's best for us in the long run compared to what's best for Gap and the chain stores. We don't get a lot of constructive ideas out of television which is bought and paid for by vendors looking to sell merchandise or services.
Therefore, I assert, we find ourselves caught up in behavior that satisfies our vendors but leaves our human condition in stress and out of sorts with normal human behavior. Perhaps we're buying a snack product that is full of empty calories. This behavior stresses the human body which needs whole foods to be un-stressed and healthy.
Children are full of stress when it comes to fitting in. And we're caught up in believing that part of school is shopping for clothes for our children. This too is a conception that is celebrated by vendors. It is unhealthy for children.
One way we can help children fit in in school is to require uniforms so that all kids are dressed alike. This would reduce stress on children and on parents. It would help children from low income families assimilate with children of high income families and it would cut down on clique behavior.
There's something calming about uniforms. When I see a unit of military personnel at an airport it is calming to the eye that they all wear the same green fatigues. It identifies them and states a purpose: we are here to defend you.
School uniforms would state a purpose as well: we are here to learn. Children would not be focused on whether their latest outfit is accepted by their peers but rather find themselves on a team. Children want teams. Children want unity of purpose and assimilation and it's our duty to construct that for them so that children are not stressed with their own designs of behavior that seek to win acceptance, including behavior that can be dangerous to the health and well being of the child.
In addition, requiring uniforms would keep children humble, a quality that leads to higher learning. Children need to remember that they are already in service and that their education is a gift that not all children are lucky enough to receive.