This week, newspapers in West Virginia and Tennessee reported that voters who have attempted to vote on the ES&S electronic voting machines have run into the frightening problem of vote-flipping on their choice for President – which appears to occur only when voters opt for straight party line voting.
Since we are apparently stuck with these ridiculous machines, in spite of four years of election activists and computer scientists trying to warn the public and lawmakers that these machines are not to be trusted with our vote. . .
Will you and your guests, as members of the media, right now commit to honoring the principles of democracy that we as a country are supposed to stand for, and the important role of the media in our democracy, and promise to investigate and honestly cover problems in voting as they occur?
It will be the only way we can demand that problems be corrected and legitimate solutions be created – before ELECTION RESULTS ARE CERTIFIED.
You are our only hope left for restoring the democracy at home that we fight for across the world.