Like his unc' and his dad a generation ago,
RFK enters the American throe,
Leaving his practice of nailing corporations,
Making them swallow his hot allegations,
To turn himself to the tough work of campaign,
Which means Prez Joe need not break out champagne.
For one thing Bob's not a ripe old eighty-two,
Fought for kids' health, has cred up the whazoo,
And wants to get to the bottom of matters,
Like CIA dirt and the Kennedy spatters,
Letting facts speak and finally having their day,
And letting consequences fall where they may.
Which displeases the folks who ride limousines,
Who do both the Vineyard and Davos cool scenes,
Who sell pricey meds or promote them like Fauci,
Make murders seem they'd been done by the grouchy,
Or tell us false narratives as flattened and smoothed
As the sweet fairy tales that our childhood soothed.
The mainstream will go after him tooth and nail,
Watch for slips, farts and lapses, prob' hint he's trans-male.
The nasty old Dems will cook up a Steele file,
Say he finances off of Putin's big pile,
Interview Kennedys who think he's a bore,
Anything to show he's not part of their lore.
Still, character assassination's the least of his worries,
As he moves through crowds and New Hampshire flurries.
Since some nutbar might well take a pot-shot,
And then tell the world he the shooter was not.
No, for raw courage you can't fault RFK,
Who dares to straighten the American way.