Contrary to previous uprisings, this one is gaining momentum every day. The number of the cities involved includes almost all cities and towns of the country. Although, I know the geography of the country reasonably well, I am hearing names of towns joining the movement that I have never heard of before.
Several factors about this uprising is totally different to all riots of last 44 years. The main different feature of this movement is participation of women. Girls as young as sixteen are all over the place removing their compulsory Islamic scarfs and burning them.
There is no leadership of any kind, People who love to see a parade and jump in front of it are totally absent. People of my generation who caused the 1979 revolution are missing in action. These courageous teenagers and students in their early twenties have taken over the movement without any guidance from us, they do not listen to their parents and are just putting the country on fire.
They have managed to neutralize the entire security system of the country. The savage oppressive forces which have been creating a horrible killing machine for decades are totally exhausted. They run from one neighborhood to another, by the time they get to the next neighborhood, the kids have gone somewhere else.
Another significant change is unification of racial groups who never got along in our history. Kurdish people are joining hand in hand with people of Azerbaijan. People of Southwest are chanting the same slogans as the people of Northeast.
The governmental forces which consist of several layers of savage murderers are totally incapable of controlling the riots. They are using every kind of weapon, including live ammunition of military guns, heavy pellet guns, batons, and chains while riding four-cylinder motorcycles.
No one can predict what is going to happen, what is obvious is that there are not any signs of surrender.
Meanwhile there are many reports that the main leaders of the government are on different flights leaving the country.
(Article changed on Sep 28, 2022 at 11:48 PM EDT)