Look at the ten states without full stay-at-home orders. Every one of them is a red state. But when CNN showed this map, they didn't point out that every one of them is a Republican dominated state with a Republican Governor. Their conservative values and cult-like obeisance to Trump is in the process of killing people. Oh, and by the way throw in Joe Biden.
The people in them are at great imminent risk because they have governors who have not protected them and a president who values economic statistics over human lives and suffering.
And my guess is that the Trump supporters are the most endangered. They're the ones who were mislead by FOX News. They are the ones who will be going to church, who will be ignoring six foot distancing advice. They are the ones who will not wear masks or gloves, who will not take precautions.
They are the ones who will carry the disease to people at high risk and infect them and, in some cases, f*cking kill them.
And it goes back to these red state governors and of course, POSPOTUS Donald Trump, who, to the consternation of Dr. Anthony Fauci, has failed to order stay-at-home orders to the nation.
Then, another guy, who is not a red-state governor, who also seems to not care about killing people, is pushing for a normal election in Wisconsin next Tuesday. Election judges, registrars and watchers are usually senior citizens, but, in spite of the WI state governor, the state Democratic party calling for postponing the election, Joe Biden thinks it should proceed. How many people will that f*cking kill, when the election could be postponed and replaced with an all mail-in vote.
These are extraordinary times. They are showing the best and worst of people, including the absolutely most disgusting aspects.