The bill was the only significant (although devastatingly compromised) piece of legislation enacted by a Democratically controlled federal government since the 1992-1994 era.
The Republicans were fourteen years in power and two years out of power. And fresh back, the GOP is using their renewed control over the future of America to wipe out the only meaningful legislation Democrats have produced since this author's bedtime was at 9 o'clock and the Gulf War was fresh in our memory.
Imagine. It's like going back and trying to erase the record of Reggie Bush's time at USC because he lost the Heisman trophy. Losing the Heisman didn't take away his 3,169 yards on the ground and 25 rushing touchdowns as a Trojan. Didn't change the fact that in the 2005 Heisman trophy vote he received 784 first place votes to the next closest contender, Vince Young, with 79 first place votes. He lost the Heisman and several other awards for 2005, but his legacy and his accomplishments can never be taken away.
The fact will never change that voters asked for change in 2008 after 16 years of Republican dominance. They craved a stronger, wiser health care bill than the one that passed, but they craved health care reform.
The health care bill crafted under the care of the 2008 Congress spilled from the parlors and committees of Congress into law with the same methodical cadence before our eyes and into history as Reggie Bushes' career at USC. However, unlike the NCAA's limited ability to control Reggie Bush or erase his history beyond ruling him ineligible for the 2005 season, these Republicans are hell bent on erasing history completely. It is not enough that the Democrats lost power. The Republicans want to remove even the trace the Dems ever had power. Essentially go back in history and snatch away from Americans the decision they made in 2008, as if they know better than us.
"Ah, you voted us out of power in 2008 and here is what the Democrats did while we were gone. We are going to go back and undo all that because we know better than you. You never wanted them in control anyway. And we're power-hungry and we will not tolerate any break in our dictatorship over your lives."
Republicans will not overturn the health care bill completely, according to the Wall Street Journal in this article. America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the insurance industry's leading watch-dog and advocate on Capitol Hill, is grateful that the government has mandated all of us into private health care from cradle to grave.
Instead Republicans will seek to dismantle only funding portions of the bill and consumer protections, like making it illegal for an insurance corporation to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions, or to charge granny five times more than her grandson for care.
Americans must be snapped out of the trance they are falling under to every major media outlet beating their drum to the same rhythm of big powerful industry. For instance, Forbes magazine went so far as to feature a wet dream centerfold spread of China's president Hu Jintao, named by them most powerful man in the world in front of President Obama last week. The Forbes editors wrote--like the sadomasochistic New York elitist Republican closeted fags they are--that Jintao had the ability to control, with dictatorship, the lives of 1.3 billion people and "jail dissidents and censor Internet without meddling from pesky bureaucrats, courts..." a quote Jintao proudly displayed on his Facebook page.
Americans must ignore the media which is clearly infatuated with the prospect of dictatorship in America. They must look at the facts and not get carried away by the same-old, same-old, lullaby. Republicans promised you the moon on their campaign trails. They promised you a better economy, more money for everybody, more jobs, more cars, more jets, more food, more WalMart, more NASCAR, more ham, more gravy, more, more, more, more, more. Here they are not more than two weeks after winning the election but they reveal why they really got elected: to undo what you voters accomplished in 2008.
Did they campaign on the promise of dismantling progress? Did they tell you that in the middle of an economic crisis in 2010 they were going to return our entire country to the already economically depressing days of 2008? Cuz that's what they're doing! Buckle up. Because while we ought to be sailing into our future, Republicans are dragging this country back to 2008 to have a do-over with your time, your patience, your money and your health care. Kiss the protections in the bill goodbye, not the price tag. AHIP is thrilled with the health care bill. It will never die.