Can't we just call all this obstructionism in the Congress what it is? Pure and simple before Republicans decided they just simply HATED Barack H. Obama, they HATED government and have felt that way for quite some time. Forgive me for yelling. But the time has come to call them out on their HATE.
The real lesson here is not the HATE-Flunkies like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Michele Bachmann, and their ilk. These people are just the "useful idiots" of the financial bullies who pull their strings and bankroll their campaigns. It's been been popular lately to cite the infamous Koch Brothers as the chief coordinators of the GOP's "Bad Guys With Money" brigades. But it goes back many years prior to their rise as public figures. In the period immediately after World War II and the Korean Conflict, another group of HATERS got the ball rolling.
I would recommend a book called "Invisible Hands: Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal " by Kim Phillips-Fein written a few years back. In it the author reveals the history of those business and industrialist types who hated Roosevelt and the New Deal. The book tells the story of how a small group of American businessmen succeeded in building a political movement to roll back the liberalism they despised. That included minimum wage laws, union organizing, and virtually any form of taxation on their profits.
The simple fact is the One-Percenters of the post World
War II era, like the Tea Party Haters of today, have one thing in
common: They Hate Government and will do anything they can to see
it fail. That is what's happening now. It may seem like so-called
Obamacare is the target today. But once that issue goes away, they
will invent a new evil to oppose tomorrow. First it was the
Communist Threat. Then is was Islamic Terror or the threat of
Sharia Law. Now they've dumbed it down branding so-called
Obamacare (formerly known as Romneycare) as the root of all
evil. They always need a something to brand as evil to scare
the American people.
Every American who cares even a little about basic decency and
fairness should understand one basic principle: Republicans Hate
Government in general and the US government in particular.
They want to destroy it. They are not patriots. In
fact, by their actions they are traitors to the noble idea that we
could build a Democratic Republic that respects the rule of law,
majority rule, as well as minority rights. Put simply once
again: Republicans Hate Government.