Response To The President's Speech Regarding Gasoline Prices
(1) The President emphasized that he gave almost everyone (Besides our
Poor Senior Citizens} at least $40.00 per month in the form of payroll tax cuts
that would help pay for these present higher gasoline prices approximately three
months ago. The President also contends that this will help our American
Citizens pay for their present higher gasoline costs at the pump today. But
if I remember correctly, this additional $40.00 income was to have been utilized
to have assisted Americans to pay their mortgage bills and too also spend their
money at the LOCAL RETAIL SECTOR in order to boost this Nation's economy and
produce jobs here at home contrary to subsidizing the oil firms who are the 1%
in this Nation.
(2) The President also contradicted himself when he told the American
Public today: That he had upended up the gulf and other places for drilling that
would produce more energy here at home. However, he did not mention that we
already have ample energy in this Nation and that the oil companies are now
shipping or exporting this oil and gasoline to other Nations of the world. We
the public have also been told in this Nation that the more oil production or
alternative energy sources we produce in this Nation today--would result in
"lower" gasoline prices which is not the case today. The oil firms have clearly
demonstrated today that they will raise the price of gasoline no matter how many
oil wells are drilled or how many alternative energy sources are now developed
in this Nation today or in the distant future. They (the oil firms) have
clearly demonstrated that they are in charge of their products and also this
Nation like it or not.
(3) The President emphasized that the developments in Iran have caused the
speculators on the World Wall Street Markets to increase their prices just on
speculation alone. However, he did not tell the American People that part of his
embargo plans against Iran was in relation to higher than usual gasoline prices
that Iran now pays in the form of gasoline imports from other Nations in the
form of a sanction. If this Nation is now in an emergency situation with Iran,
then the President via "executive order" could or should place a temporary
moratorium order against the "oil speculator" racketeers that would prohibit
them from increasing the gasoline retail prices here in this Nation. Why should
U. S. Motorist subsidize any form of a U.S. foreign policy in this Nation that
would place any form of a financial hardship on themselves is beyond my present
imagination. It also looks as though that the oil and gasoline prices are now
being manipulated so that the world gasoline prices "will be the same"
throughout the world which in my humble opinion means world price fixing if this
should be the case.
(4) The President also sighted the facts that China and India are both
buying new automobiles that means more gasoline consumption within those Nations
as an excuse for the rising oil and gasoline prices. However, we have been told
by this identical U. S. Government that present and previous automobiles
manufactured in this Nation that is now being sold to China and India have been
manufactured with fuel efficiency standards that would or should reduce oil and
gasoline consumption. It is also inconceivable that if China, India, or any
other Nation is consuming more energy within their perspective Nations do to
there billions in population numbers, they should pay the higher price for
gasoline and not the U. S. motorist in this Nation who are being utilized to
"subsidize" these Nations at the pump today in the form of higher gasoline
prices. In essence, if other Nations use more they should pay more regardless
of their present circumstances.
(5) The President also emphasized that he feels our pain at the gasoline
pump, but gave no indication that he would provide a gasoline "rebate payment"
to any of our low income Senior Citizens whose present income is less than the
Present Poverty Level of $20,000 per year. The President also did not indicate
that he would increase the present minimum wage or to provide a "gasoline
rebate payment" for those who would be effected the most by higher gasoline
prices. In essence, the President is only worried what happens to the oil and
gasoline business firms and not the people at large.