Food allergies plague approximately 5.9 million children according to the website "Processed Food, GMO's and Food Allergies" ( amounts to a 400% increase within the past 20 years. What is causing this?
This Tribal Wellness website provides four facts regarding GMO's in relation to allergies:
After a soy plant has been genetically modified, it includes a soy allergen. This allergen is 41% identical to the allergen found in the peanut plant.
By the age of 3, the majority of U.S. Children have been exposed to a great deal of GM soy. They are exposed en uteri by mom's diet, through breast milk, by drinking conventional soy formula, and the plethora of kid-friendly processed food snacks that contain GM soy.
Our immune system is closely connected to our digestive tract. This is especially true in children. So, what we eat can impact our overall health and our body's ability to fight off disease. Foods that contain harmful additives, pesticides and GMO's will eventually break down the digestive tract and increase the likelihood of autoimmune disorders like allergies.
Children are 3 to 4 times more likely to develop a food allergy than an adult due to their immature digestive and immune systems.
Many a child, including this author, has suffered with food allergies which effect all aspects of one's life, from one's self esteem to one's ability to play with other children.
Another person who has suffered because of our food system is Robert Scott Bell, who as young child had multiple health issues, some related to vaccines. He also had food allergies, skin rashes, and inflammation to name a few.
Like many people, Robert chose his career for he saw how the system hurt him. He realized that what was called helping really wasn't helping. It was hurting. Thus he moved into a lifestyle that included non GMO foods, in addition to not eating highly processed food. This ultimately led him into the path of homeopathic medicine, which considers food as equivalent to medicine.
Today, Robert has his own radio show broadcast six days per week through Natural News Radio Monday through Friday 3-5 pm and GPN ( to Robert, many of our diseases are due to our immune system being exhausted by the strike out combination of adulterated food, toxic "medicine" and environmental contaminants. It is interesting that in googling allergies and immune system exhaustion, the primary results say that allergies cause exhaustion. Could it be the body is in a vicious cycle where the immune system is exhausted by trying to fend off what is unhealthy, which then leads to more exhaustion?
This process is a corporate generated nightmare. It's like a dream or horror movie, in which one evil being emerges and dissolves while soon being replaced by another form of the same monster.
Consider the following quote from a website discussing Weston A. Price:
In the early 1930s, a Cleveland dentist named Weston A. Price (1870-1948) began a series of unique investigations. For over ten years, he traveled to isolated parts of the globe to study the health of populations untouched by western civilization. His goal was to discover the factors responsible for good dental health. His studies revealed that dental caries and deformed dental arches resulting in crowded, crooked teeth are the result of nutritional deficiencies, not inherited genetic defects.
The groups Price studied included sequestered villages in Switzerland, Gaelic communities in the Outer Hebrides, indigenous peoples of North and South America, Melanesian and Polynesian South Sea Islanders, African tribes, Australian Aborigines and New Zealand Maori. Wherever he went, Dr. Price found that beautiful straight teeth, freedom from decay, good physiques, resistance to disease and fine characters were typical of native groups on their traditional diets, rich in essential nutrients.
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