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Roman Zadorov affair and arbitrary arrests in Israel - serious violations of the right for Liberty

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Joseph Zernik
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By now it is clear that Roman Zadorov is held in life imprisonment following framing by police, false prosecution and false conviction in the murder of 13-year-old Tair Rada in 2006. Zadorov is confined with neither lawfully made judgment records nor lawfully made arrest decree. Anybody who cherishes liberty must stand up to corruption of the courts in Israel.

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Figures: Roman Zadorov - the Ukrainian Mendel Beilis in Israel. The Jew Mendel Beillis was accused a century ago in the murder of a Ukrainian boy. Only following intense international pressure he was released from false arrest and false conviction. Even law professors openly expressed their protest. Prof Boaz Sangero wrote: "Conviction with no real evidence." Prof Mota Kremintzer wrote: "Conduct of the State Prosecution in the Zadorov case is scary ... when you add to it the position of the Supreme Court and conduct of the Attorney General, we are left with a justice system that is primarily busy defending itself." Prof Daniel Friedman wrote: "It is impossible that the Attorney General would say, the State is me. He cannot determine what the law of the land is, to shut up the entire state, and not allow anybody to express his opinion."


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Figures: State Attorney Shay Nitzan and Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit prevent the investigation of criminal complaints against police, prosecutors and judges for their conduct in State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502-07) in the Nazareth District Court. In parallel, Mandelblit and Nitzan insist on their right to pervert the affidavit of an expert witness in the murder trial, if the State Prosecution finds it useful for its purpose...


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Figures: The Supreme Court, and in particular Justice Yoram Danziger, serve as fig leaves for the unprecedented corruption, which was exposed in the Zadorov affair. First - in conducting for five (5) years a fake/simulated appeal process, with no judgment records of the District Court, and now in conducting a fake/simulated petition process in Ometz v Attorney General and State Attorney regarding perversion of expert witness Dr Hen Kugel.


OccupyTLV, April 16 - in the latest episode of the Roman Zadorov affair, [] repeat demand has been filed today with Prison Service Governor, commander Ofra Klinger for a lawful due response on a Freedom of Information Request (the complete filing below).

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Figures: Prison Service Governor, commander Ofra Klinger. The evidence indicates that the Prison Service admits persons into prison custody, including Roman Zadorov and others with no lawfully made arrest decree - serious violation of the Human Right for Liberty, and typical of dark regimes.


A. The Prison Service has refused for over 2 years to provide a due FOIA response on a request pertaining to the fundamental Human Right for Liberty.

The original FOIA request pertains to admission procedures following the implementation of electronic record systems in the courts (Net-HaMishpat case-management system) in general, and in the Roman Zadorov case in particular. The request also seeks a lawful appointment record of a FOIA Officer in the Prison Service.

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Dr Zernik's core research pertains to e-government and its significance for Human Rights and Civil Society.

His work won appreciation in Israel and abroad: * Prof Uzzi Ornan - "All power to you! I hope that you see your tremendous efforts (more...)
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