A spiritual lesson has the wonderful dichotomy of being something gained and yet also something that helps us be unburdened by negative constructs we might carry. Quality lessons offer gains and yet allow us to let go of proverbial baggage.
Sacred Geometry is depicted everywhere in nature visually. Sacred Geometry assists revealing everything from building effective physical structures to comprehension of an effective meditative mindset. The study of Sacred Geometry enhances our comprehension of the physical and the metaphysical, perhaps Sacred Geometry is one of the effective means towards comprehension of the correspondences of the physical and spiritual.
Of the many Sacred Geometry studies and principles one that is especially revealing and useful is the subject of the four dimensions of geometry and the four dimensions of sacred geometry thereby. The four dimensions of geometry reveal the four dimensions of meditation and the basis for sacred geometry itself. Points, lines, planes and solids correspond with concentration, connection, circulation, and unity expansion.
These correspondences are useful in comprehending meditation and subtle energy as I explore in The Geometry of Energy. The geometry rule that there is no line without points, and there is no plane without lines, and there is no volume without planes is also sacred geometry principle corresponding with manifestation and creation visualization.
It is also a powerful conceptual tool for visualization toward creation, as well as inspiration and motivation to maintain dedication, or resolution. To instill the power of will and resolution focus on the point, make a linear connection, cycle with imagination and action, repetition and resolution create a pattern that with patience can manifest into reality.
Visualize the concentration of the idea, the connection of the idea, the circulation of the idea, and the solidification of the idea by way of the four dimensions of geometry.
Focus on the idea you desire to create as a point, the point. Imagine a linear connection with the concept and what processes directly link you and it, you with it. Now conceptualize how this is part of the universal cycle and how it will become in layered cycles, and now visualize the cycles forming into a density and a volume, a reality, your reality.
Points, Lines, Planes, Solids.
Concentration, Connection, Circulation, Solidification.