Sanders has formally addressed not just income inequality, but the conditions that created impoverished Black communities. Decades of abject discrimination in housing, employment, inability to get loans for small businesses or homes, and inability to get take advantage of beneficial governmental programs like the GI Bill after World War II have black wealth on average as 5% of white wealth. Economist Richard Rothstein details how governmental policy forced African Americans to stay in inner city ghettoes, policies which remained in place throughout the nation and whose legacy affects African Americans today.
Bernie is the only major politician who has completely acknowledged how public policy created these ghettoes. His plan to undo this horrible policy is to encourage investment in low income communities. He does not support reparations, but supports government and private sector investment in low income communities of colors. Sanders, like Rothstein notes, as federal policy created the housing projects and inner city ghettoes, it will take a reversal of federal policy to end this. This means we need a government that doesn't allow corporations to hoard massive amounts of money, while offshoring jobs to the cheapest third world country available.
Not only has free trade further harmed poor Black communities, white working class communitiesnow have rising mortality rates due to insufficient income as companies use offshoring, and outsourcing to temp agencies to further lower workers income and to completely end any sense of job stability for workers. Sanders goes much further than Clinton in challenging the corporate sector on these issues.
It should be noted the prior Clinton administration signed the NAFTA and WTO agreements that further devastated labor.
Reagan era attacks against labor, as well as the government giving excessive licenses to liquor stores in poor Black neighborhoods, offering at that time little in the way of treatment for addiction issues to poor people helped contribute to the crack cocaine era. The Clinton's response to this was the mass incarceration rates that created huge numbers of Black men unable to work due to their criminal records. Clinton's husband called the Black Lives activists criminals when they confronted him.
Sanders, on the other hand, wants to address the root problemsthat cause such misery in Black communities, and that are now contributing to the rise in mortality rates among working class White Americans. It's clear that Sanders is the superior candidate by far, and that we need him as President, as well as more people like him elected to office as all levels. It's time for the whole nation to feel the Bern. I certainly do.