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OpEdNews Op Eds    H1'ed 2/25/17

Sanders, not Trump, is the real working-class hero

Brent Budowsky
Message Brent Budowsky
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From The Hill

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is the tip of the spear of the Democratic comeback that began immediately after the 2016 elections. He represents the true working-class hero who offers ideas that bridge divides in American politics. Like Sanders, now a growing number of major Democrats, in different ways, are moving the party to become the party of working-class heroes who oppose President Trump.

Here is the real, clear truth that Sanders knew and Hillary Clinton neglected in her 2016 presidential run: From equal pay to higher wages to affordable healthcare, Democrats can win the votes of working-class Americans of all races and both genders not by negative campaigns, but by championing the policies that brought Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy to the presidency.

Democrats should not consider abandoning any voters. White working-class voters are united in their interests with black, Hispanic and other minority voters. That was always the lesson of the Kennedys and is the message of Sanders and groups such as Our Revolution that support his vision. It is increasingly the message of Democrats, too, and works in blue and red states alike.

Sanders is pushing for stabilizing Social Security for the long-term and increasing benefits to seniors by making the financing of Social Security more progressive. That means lifting the ceiling on Social Security taxes and asking higher-income citizens to do a little more for their country.

By contrast, Republicans are debating among themselves whether to privatize Social Security and make the program another profit center for banks, and/or to raise the retirement age for Americans, making them wait even longer for the modest benefits that lag behind real increases in cost of living.

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Brent Budowsky is a regular columnist on thehill.com. He served as Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator Lloyd Bentsen, responsible for commerce and intelligence matters, including one of the core drafters of the CIA Identities Law. Served (more...)

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