Sarah Palin's Assault on Reason: Mad Hatter Tea Parties in a Verbal Wonderland
Ms. Sarah Pain, your tea partiers are in frenzy against the first amendment, and against truth. Personally, I find myself attacked in the response to two articles I wrote for OpEdNews in the last 48 hrs (See "Sarah Palin is a National Traitor" and "Should al-Qaeda have the right to bear arms?). I don't cotton to hucksters willing to trade truth for bucks. We must stop the hijacking of heritage.
Well, Ms. Palin, your supporters did everything possible to suppress my opinion. Dozens of very nasty, really wild and profane messages have poured in. Am I really a "puppet of George Soros", a mindless tool of "the mainstream medium," or worse? Do you believe I deserve to be threatened?
Ms. Palin, "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it?" What about you? As potential Presidential candidate would you support my right to speak? I suspect you would prefer new alien and sedition acts to get rid of the pesky lamestream media, who have the temerity to ask gotcha questions like "how was your day at the museum?" Hint: if you burn books and newspapers, no one could ask you what you have read.
If you were elected President Palin, would you swear to uphold the entire constitution of the US? Or would you only uphold the parts you like, such as the second amendment while you continue to shred the first amendment?
Incredibly, you, Ms. Palin denounced the first amendment in the Westboro Baptist Supreme Court decision. This decision upheld the right to dissent, to assembly, and to speak. All goals the tea party ostensibly promotes. What gives? Are tea partier's patriots or brownshirts?
Apparently, your mavericks support only free speech that praises you as a demi-god. They denounce and suppress speech that they find inimical to there vision of Palin Nation. Incredibly, your supporters at Conservatives4Palin admit "Words don't mean anything to Governor Palin."
What! Words have consequences, and the wrong words have started wars, economic collapses and the fall of civilizations. Free speech could not flourish in your personal Palin down-the-rabbit-hole, Alice-in-wonderland. When Sarah uses a word, apparently it means just what Sarah chooses it to mean -- neither more nor less. No matter how inane your statement, shock troops will oppose and suppress even the mildest criticism. To those who disagree, you you really resemble the Red Queen: "Off with their heads!" Can we really trust you with the nation's nukes?
Your groups deserve credit for the brilliant manipulation of Wikipedia to change Paul Revere history to cover your mess-up. That was a page straight from Orwell's 1984. The Palin ministry of truth changes history at will. For your tea party, Ignorance is Bliss, Freedom is slavery, and War is Peace. Soon, after a trip to room 101, water-boarded dissenters can learn to love Big Sister Sarah.
Real Patriots Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin knew education and science are the only basis of self-government. You and your pal Glenn Beck instead display ignorance and disdain for truth as a Medal of Courage. The more outrageous your statements, the more outrageous the defense of the indefensible. George Washington admitted even when he chopped down a cherry tree. Ms. Palin, do you even know when you are lying?
Palin/Beck claim the Founders would oppose raising the debt ceiling. Clearly, Alexander Hamilton had a different vision. The founders paid off the debt from the revolutionary war, upholding the obligations and honor of the new Republic. The idea of the US defaulting on obligations would be abhorrent. I can imagine all the founders rolling in their grave as we play games with government default; at the very moment their sacred memories are desecrated.
Why, Ms. Palin, do you criticize the ACLU? As pointed out in a movie, the ACLU is an organization devoted solely to protect our rights under the constitution. Isn't it time for all national leaders to become card-carrying members of the ACLU?
The men and women of 1776 wanted robust debate. They prized truth and reason. We can fool some people sometimes, but not all persons all the time. In that spirit, the opinions of everyone, including OpEd editors, should be welcomed free of fear of threat. Government of, by and for the people is best guaranteed by free speech backed by the unfettered free speech.
Now the next step is in the hands of your maverick mother grizzlies reading this article. Will your supporters show that I am wrong? I hope so, but really, who am I kidding? Your followers are about to let loose a whirlwind. But, I will not shrink from the service of my country in this hour of need. So, dear readers, I dare you to abstain from ad hominem, and deal with ideas. Show the real spirit of 1776. Make George Washington proud.
In any case, let the blogging begin!