Richmond, VA, graphic designer Charles Leazott created a satirical version of the US Presidential seal three years ago to "vent my frustration."
Last week, the mock seal was projected on stage behind Trump as he addressed a Conservative group, and suddenly Leazott was famous. Photos abounded. His Facebook page got tons of hits, and he sold out of Tshirts on his website. But he's busy making more for eager customers.
The seal depicts a Russian two-headed eagle in place of the American Bald eagle. The bird holds golf clubs in one talon and money in the other. "E Pluribus Unum" is replaced with "45 is a puppet" in Spanish, and the artist added a hammer and sickle.
Leazott is a former Republican who voted for Dubya twice, but he hates Trump. He designed the logo primarily for his friends and family's amusement, created a little website, sold a few Tshirts, and promptly forgot all about it. Suddenly he was catapaulted to fame by an unknown person who projected the image during the event -- either mistakenly or purposefully -- no one seems to be telling. Leazott says either way, he loves that unknown person, who was hastily separated from his or her employment.
If you gotta have a Tshirt, hat, bumper sticker or poster to vent your frustrations, check out his OneTermDonnie website. He's donating ten percent of the profits to the American Civil Liberties Union.
The paintbrush is mightier than the word.