From the stitchers of the famed Unicorn Tapestries to our own Betsy Ross, the realms of the needlearts have belonged mostly to women--the mothers who patch us up when we are broken, and the grandmothers who are the weavers of life.
So it's no accident that women have excelled in quilting, an art form which is woven into the very soul of America. In this country's beginnings, scarcity of goods and thrifty spirits inspired women to craft warmth from scraps, and with genius they created the greatest beauty possible from the materials at hand. Now that quilts are more often made for artistic value than for the purpose of recycling rescued scraps, this feminine craft has blossomed with passion into its own art form.
A large number of quilt shows are held around the US annually. Smaller quilt guilds may greet a few hundred attendees, larger shows over 50,000. But all of them offer beauty to tantalize the eye and delight the soul.
The 2015 Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in Hampton Virginia, which will feature over 500 quilts and wearables on exhibit, and over 160 vendors, will be held at the Hampton Coleseum in Hampton VA, Feb. 26 - March 1. In anticipation of the show, here are some selected quilts from last year's show to inspire you!
Quilts from the 2014 Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival
Best of Show: Tink's Choice (96" x 96") by Laura Trenbeath

Detail of Tink's Choice, and full quilt, inset, by Laura Trenbeath.
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA
Innovative Category, Third Place: Fairy Garden (60" x 80") by Cathy Wiggins

Fairy Garden (60' x 80') by Cathy Wiggins received a 3rd Place ribbon.
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA
Best Use of Color: It All Comes Around (55" x 43") by Karlyn Bue Lohrenz

It All Comes Around (55' x 43') by Karlyn Bue Lohrenz
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA
The following three quilts won ribbons in the "Traditional" category. However, when I started quilting in 1982, ALL of them would have been considered "innovative"! We've come a long way, baby!
First Place Traditional category: Celebrating my INFJ by Judith Heyward
Second Place Traditional category: LZ8 by Sharleen Fields
Best Use of Color, Traditional category: Murdererskill Crossing (83" x 83") by Janet Atkins

Murdererskill Crossing (83' x 83') by Janet Atkins
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA
Honorable mention in the Innovative Quilts category: Put a Ring on It, by Michael Michalski. This colorful wall quilt is an innovative a variation on the Traditional Wedding Ring design, The theme of the show was "Silver Lining." This quiltmaker's touching comments, which accompanied the quilt, were: "Modern marriage, so many ways to define it but still based on principles of love and trust. Built on a framework as strong as the steel structure of a building, the moments of joy flow as a rainbow. My silver lining is that someday I can now have this as well."
The following quilts won ribbons in the "Wall Quilt" Category:
Best Wall Quilt: Shenandoah Falling (35" x 51") by Margaret Solomon Gunn

Shenandoah Falling (35' x 51') by Margaret Solomon Gunn
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA

Detail, Shenandoah Falling by Margaret Solomon Gunn
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA
Third Place, Wall Quilts: Woodland Visitors (27" x 31") by Barbara McKie.

Woodland Visitors (27' x 31') by Barbara McKie, 3rd place in Wall Quilts.
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA
Best Pictorial Quilt: No Place Like Om by Meryl Ann Butler (author of this article.)

No Place Like Om (53' x 34') by Meryl Ann Butler
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (artwork; photo credit Joel Becker)) Details DMCA

Detail, No Place Like Om by Meryl Ann Butler
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (artwork; photo credit Joel Becker)) Details DMCA
"Plumage" by Rami Kim won First Place for Full Ensemble in the Wearable Art category.

Plumage by Rami Kim First Place for Full Ensemble in Wearable Art category.
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA
Two which won "Judges Choice" ribbons:
Hope (40" x 48"), by Sandy Curran.
Celestial Splendor by Rachel Wetzler (62" x 62", Innovative)

Celestial Splendor (62' x 62') by Rachel Wetzler
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA
Other fabulous quilts on exhibit at that show include these inspiring works:
Nokomis (grandmother) (66" x 44") by Laura Gilmartin

Nokomis (grandmother) (66' x 44') by Laura Gilmartin
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA
Wimpy's Little Chic (36" x 28") by Robin Phillips.

Wimpy's Little Chic (36' x 28') by Robin Phillips
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA
Nelson Mandela (37" x 26") by Aretha Henderson

Nelson Mandela (37' x 26') by Aretha Henderson
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA
Heidi's Schlowers (31.5" x 44.5") by Andrea Brokenshire

Heidi's Schlowers (31.5' x 44.5') by Andrea Brokenshire
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA
It's About Time (68" x 68") by Robbi Eklow
So, if you need inspiration, get thee to a quiltery! Quilters and quilt shows around the country, including several listed below, are waiting to show you their art!
Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival 2015, Feb. 26 - March 1, Hampton, VA.
The Quilt Fest of New Jersey, March 5- 8, Somerset, NJ.
AQS Quilt Week, March 11-14, Lancaster, PA
AQS Quilt Week, April 22-25, Paducah, KY
International Quilt Festival, Oct. 29- Nov 1, Houston TX

Various quilt guilds offer raffle tickets for their quilts.
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler (photo credit)) Details DMCA