With the institution of marriage in complete shambles I'd like to call attention to our reproductive purpose here on earth. One need only watch March of the Penguins or Planet Earth to see how much time normal animals invest in child rearing and reproduction.
Too often these days women near the end of their reproductive years single and empowered by the liberal agenda. They have a bucket list and believe that since you only live once it's better to party like it's 1999 every weekend than prepare for a family. They live in the city and have higher or competitive salaries with their male counter parts. They are focused on climbing some fantastic ladder and breaking all the glass ceilings that hold women down. They despise white males who have ruined everything on planet earth and they no longer must be forced into marriages with these inferior men.
So what do they do when the maternal window starts closing? Too often they settle for a marriage with a last minute father figure just to fit in with a disappearing historical institution.
It's time for LaBron James's and Tim Tebow's DNA to be the missing paternal link when a woman's mind turns to reproduction. Forget marriage. Women can find a father figure after they have children. The poor bastards don't get to reproduce. High intelligence is boring to breed for and can lead to more boring intellectual debates that solve nothing except to gratify egos and institutionalize institutions.
When athletic marvels come along they are a sign of hope. Humans naturally celebrate athletes beginning in high school. Athletic marvels become the standard which men hold themselves up to. They can defend against danger and accomplish all the work that goes along with the trades or farming, an occupation I hope more of us can go back to.
The times are changing. Women are declaring with their actions during their single years that they are more attracted to the men who possess superior athletic qualities. So why do they settle for less when they are finally ready to have children?
With the female agenda in full throttle with Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate we can expect to see greater power and wealth transferred to women. It's time these women see a higher purpose in reproduction and seek out athletic talents for fathers. In this system the true father is out of the picture for the child's development, but the child's athletic prowess will soon compensate for the absence of his true father.