Yesterday, Conyers issued a subpoena threat to Karl Rove, which was to be delivered to Rove’s attorney, Robert D. Luskin, in a letter. I would be cheerleading Conyers’ action if it weren’t for the fact that any threat issued to co-conspirators or criminals linked to Bush Crimes has proven chronically to become empty as Democratic leaders find capitulating when those threatened do not respond favorably or properly unobjectionable.
The opening up of impeachment proceedings in the House could take care of the oversight Congress wishes to do all at once. There would be no more of this subpoena threat nonsense. The House would not have to convene inadequate hearings that barely scratch the surface of what has been going on in America under this administration anymore. They would be able to get back to “business as usual” faster and possibly work on solid reforms to health care, energy policy, and the economy in the fall.
Sadly, our government is no longer doing what our American Government textbooks told us they were supposed to do in high school. They are no longer working to preserve our system of checks and balances that we were introduced to through colorful charts with arrows. Our government is now putting on a reality television show---one that like all others has a staged conflict.
The conflict is staged because it doesn’t have to happen. The Democrats have an out, but they would rather quarrel and bicker with Republicans and the Bush Administration over political identity, strategy, and talking points offering aside interviews every now and then to excuse their behavior. (Supposedly, this is how Democrats will win the election(?))
I wish that every week I could vote one (or more) of these rotten politicians off the island that is Washington, D.C. I wish I could see a panel ridicule them after each one sings his or her tune on what they think about America.
But, just because our government is reminding us of reality TV doesn’t mean we get to exact the same kind of control over our leaders as media producers allow us to exact over starlets or aspiring celebrities. There are other options though such as the sending of pocket-sized Constitutions to Conyers.
I don’t know about Pelosi or Hoyer. But, I do know that John Conyers published a book titled, “The Constitution in Crisis: The High Crimes of the Bush Administration and a Blueprint for Impeachment.”
My theory is that every time Conyers has to engage in political posturing, idle subpoena threats, or the convening of ineffectual hearings, he forgets another section of an article in the Constitution.
Wouldn’t you know the first section of an article he forgot was Article 2, Section 4?
The remedy could only be a deluge of pocket-sized Constitutions. If they come streaming in making contact with America’s lifeblood unavoidable, Conyers will have get back in touch with the Constitution he swore to uphold when he took an oath.
If we inundate Conyers’ life with U.S. Constitutions, he can confidently tell corporate media (which he fears for no good reason at all) that impeachment proceedings are not being begun for partisan reasons. Conyers can make the excuse that impeachment will begin because people think we should be a nation that upholds the rule of law, national and international.
Think about what will happen if the Democratic Party realizes we are spending money we could be putting into their campaign coffers on pocket-sized Constitutions instead of donating to their fruitless efforts to "oppose" the Republican Party or take back America?
So, Dennis, where do we get these pocket-sized Constitutions? Or better, David Swanson, AfterDowningStreet, and ImpeachBushPAC over at, why don’t we get a pocket-sized Constitution campaign started to promote impeachment? I'm sure you know how to get in contact with Dennis to get a campaign going.