Update: I took the following pic and videos at the DNC protest yesterday:
and here's what the protesters had to say about party unity:
The DNC is in Chaos-- a great opportunity to make miracles happen.
Finally, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been shamed and forced into resigning. Wikileaks #DNCleak busted her, exposing deep, widespread collusion to sabotage and attack Bernie Sanders and elect Hillary Clinton.
DWS's resignation is nothing. She has been re-appointed by Hillary now head of the DNC, to work for the Clinton campaign, making it official, what was previously secret and denied. The only acceptable response, at this point is to fire DWS immediately, to ban her from the DNC convention and shun her for her malevolent, psychopathic stupidity that has so badly damaged the Democratic party brand for at least two generations.
If DWS is allowed to take the podium, as planned, at the DNC, Bernie Sanders delegates should shout her down and drown her out. Let the media showing the convention to the whole world how hated and despised she is, how disunited the Democratic party is, under its leader, Hillary Clinton.
Shunning should include all Democratic party elites formally withdrawing their endorsements for her as an incumbent congressional candidate and the DCCC and other Demcratic party organs withdrawing all funding from her, transferring the funding to progressive Tim Canova ( @tim_canova )
Hillary has appointed Donna Brazile as Wasserman Schultz's replacement to head the DNC. This is totally unacceptable .Wikileaks release of the 20,000 DNC emails shows that Brazile is also dirty.
No, no, NO!! Brazile is totally unacceptable as new head of the DNC, a total affront, to 14 million Bernie Sanders supporters.
It has become apparent that the complete scorn and disrespect the Hillary Clinton campaign has for Bernie Sanders and his supporters includes believing that they are as gullible as their #ImWithHer Hillary supporters.
The DNC convention is starting today with the DNC having acquired the enmity and scorn of 14 million Bernie Sanders supporters. Simply allowing Hillary to appoint Brazile, another blemished (putting it lightly) HRC advocate as its leader is totally inadequate, in terms of beginning a healing and unification process. The DNC should allow Bernie Sanders to either head the DNC or appoint the next chair, perhaps someone like Keith Ellison, Raul Grijalva or Nina Turner.
Julian Assange's Wikileaks has delivered so far, as promised, but now, he has also said he will deliver more revelations he guarantees will put Hillary in jail, but not until October. It would hand the election to Trump. He should release whatever he has now, today.
Stand up now. Today. This week. Shout it from the rooftops. Hillary cannot be president.
You don't have to be in Philadelphia. This is a week to go out into the streets, in front of your local federal Democratic politicians' offices. Tell them they are handing the election to Trump by nominating such a flawed candidate. Show your rage. Take a day off from work and invest in the saving of the future of the USA from Hillary, who has proven herself to truly be a pathologically lying, sociopathic, and a fascist who did not earn her primary election victory. Show them that they will pay, that the Democratic party will pay, for at least a generation, for what it has done.
I start this article saying that the DNC is inchaos and it's a time to make miracles happen. If the 14 million Bernie supporters get out into the street, if the 1900 Bernie Delegates raise their voices loud enough, maybe the world media will report the truth and shame the US media into doing the same. Maybe the Superdelegates will see that they could lose so much more than the White House and the Supreme Court, that they could lose their jobs and gain the hate of millions and the contempt of history. Maybe they will, by some miracle, see that Hillary is too dirty, crooked, rotten and hated for them to get away with the sh*t they thought they could pull. Maybe they will switch. Maybe some of the Hillary delegates will see the light, though that's less likely. Maybe there's a way to dump Tim Kaine and make Nina Turner the VP candidate. Maybe a true progressive, appointed by Bernie will replace DWS and Brazile to head the DNC.
Maybe not. But we have a brief window in a time of great chaos. Chemist Ilya Prigogin e won a Nobel Prize for showing that higher levels of order can develop after chaos. It is a fact of nature. Perhaps we can, if we push the chaos, make it happen this week.
If none of these work, and Hillary becomes the candidate, with Tim Kaine, get behind Jill Stein, who goes even further than Bernie did with her progressive positions. Listen to her here, speaking at the People's Revolution Conference in Philly, on Saturday, and you'll see.
I know. You don't believe that Stein can win. But she has a plan she explains here-- that there are 42 million people with student loans choking them and she will use presidential power to forgive the loans. She explains it here: