It's time for humans to slow down. Drive any highway anywhere and the roads are full of cars traveling one direction or another. Where are they all going? We're instinctively busy creatures and our business is being expressed in automobile travel. All that CO2 is pouring into the atmosphere. We're hording resources that are best kept for future generations and we're devouring the bounty that earth has to offer without ever questioning whether or not we're building a secure planet for our progeny to live on.
Here's my advice: slow down. Two hundred years ago humans spent all their time in their own villages communicating directly and frequently with their neighbors. Sure there were globetrotters but by and large humans stayed close to home. They certainly didn't commute a car drive's hour to work. Do you really have to go out to the grocery store again? Do you have to visit so and so or bring the kids to wherever?
When we slow down we will all be able to catch our breath and pause and direct our actions to preserving this planet for future generations. Get out of the car. Stop traveling by plane for vacation. Make your carbon foot print as small as it can be.
Dean Powers lives in Castleton, VT. He has apprenticed at several newspapers including The Nation. He currently writes for OpEdNews. He can be found at