When it is all over and the smoke clears and we find out who won and who lost, what will be left? What are the things we really care about enough to be sure that they ultimately survive all the infighting and chaos we seem to bring down upon ourselves? When push comes to shove, what are the final priorities. What kind of world do we want to leave for our children and for future generations?
Let's take stock. What do we want:
 · A democracy, or some version of a ruling elite, be it religious, military, economic, or just raw power.
 · A society that cares and helps each other survive, or an everyone-for-themselves, winner-take-all society.
 · A planet with our lifestyle in harmony with its sustainability, or a planet to be used up for our personal desires regardless of the outcome.
 · A planet at peace, or a planet in the midst of constant war and violence.
 · Human values, or some technological artificial intelligence (IE), some imposed ideology, or simply some economic set of values.
 · A planet with a sustainable future, or a disregard for future generations.
 · Something bigger than our own individual lives, or just our own rights and desires.
I would guess that nearly everyone would agree on the first of those two choices after all the argument and bickering ends.
Let's just skip past all the argument and bickering and move right to those priorities to accomplish what we all really want; to create a community, a society, a nation, a world, and a planet on which we can all thrive.