The attack of killer fuckadoodledoodlers
is underway, and we have the hebewebes,
nervous wrecks, upside-the-head clowns. brown bagged boozers,
throwing away all our culture's swag, the leebees
we imagined were our birthright -- like, say, freedom
of expression, of religion, and of gunplay --
to Johnny-Reb and reconstruct Antietam,
and yodel "Que Sera Sera" (the Doris Day).
I once thought we just needed a bit of tweaking
to make the Experiment the best of all time --
a tad of socialism, equal rights, but freaking
J on the cross almighty, Freedom's turned to crime!
Citizens United, TARP bailouts, Trump's priors:
We've recklessly tossed the Bill into barrel fires.