Communication skill stands mainly on how easy, comfortable, and enjoyable listening to you is ( content quality and speech musicality). When the throat, the tongue, the teeth and the lips fight each other, each one wants to act first in pronouncing the word, then the listener is tortured, especially if contents poor.
On the contrary, if the key four : throat, tongue, teeth and lips coordinate in a symphonic process to get the words out in an intentional orchestrated manner , then the ear will enjoy. Having said that, managing the musicality of your talk (pronunciation, speed, sound and sound variation) is not impossible. Recognizing the value of a musical speech on listeners and knowing how far now you are from there , and what obstacles you need to overcome to get there, then you are already half way thru improvement .
The point is when one talks distinctively giving each word its due of pronunciation, sound and emphasis and not rushing to the next word, then the listener will be able to dance. It is never to late for one to have a look at his mouth/nose anatomy to determine what change or exercise needed to make his speech musical (content is another matter)