2020 Best of Show - Midnight Frolic by Molly Y Hamilton - McNally
(Image by quiltfest.com) Details DMCA
Strolling through an exhibition of quilts filled with color and beauty can lower stress and enhance your wellbeing. Florence Nightingale said, "People say the effect is only on the mind. It is no such thing. The effect is on the body, too. Little as we know about the way in which we are affected by form, by color, and light, we do know this, that they have an actual physical effect. Variety of form and brilliancy of color in the objects presented to patients, are actual means of recovery."

2020 1st Place Mid-Century Modern - Parading Parallelograms by Claire Victor
(Image by quiltfest.com) Details DMCA
These quilts from previous years of the Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival, the largest annual quilt show on the Eastern seaboard, offer a flavor of what this year's event-goers can expect to see on February 24-27, 2022, in Hampton, Virginia.
The 33rd annual MAQF will feature over 800 quilts and wearable art garments. A Merchants Mall filled with vendors will showcase the latest sewing machines, quilting supplies, textiles, books, sewing-related craft items and fabric kits. A variety of demonstrations of various types of needlecraft and traditional rug hooking will be offered, as well as a wearable art fashion show and lectures. And Pat Yamin of Come Quilt with Me will host her annual, rousing game of Quilt-O.

A group of quilters have fun during the Quilt-O game hosted by Pat Yamin.
(Image by Pat Yamin) Details DMCA
The event includes many special exhibits, including "Wordplay and Puns" by Textile Artists of Virginia (TAVA), a cutting edge group of fiber artists exploring the boundaries of the medium. Color-altered and dyed fabrics created by each participant over the course of several years were used as the basis of their fiber art based on each artists' unique interpretation of a word, phrase or pun.

TAVA members, L-R: Fri-dye Night Lights by Arlene Blackburn; Dyeing to Escape Covid by Sue Davis; Sea's the Dye by Karin Tauber
(Image by TAVA) Details DMCA

Dance of Friendship for the Bargello Boogie workshop by Paula Golden
(Image by Paula Golden) Details DMCA
"It's a Mystery" is a collection of quilts by members of Tidewater Quilt Guild (TQG) which explores the mystery of quilting, and how the final piece can be so different from the initial vision.
"Inspired by Elvis" is another special exhibit which celebrates the music, movies and life of the King of Rock and Roll. Ninety-four original 36" x 36" art quilts honor Elvis Presley.

Quilts pictured, left to right, were created by Pat Sloan, Debra Gabel, and Bunnie Jordan.
(Image by Press release) Details DMCA

Cherrywood Challenge Diana exhibit at the Road to California Quilt Show Jan 19 - 22, 2022
(Image by Cherrywood Fabrics) Details DMCA

(L) My dad enjoys the quilt show, wrapped in a train-themed lap quilt I made him, (R) my granddaughter checks out info on one of her favorite quilts in the show; she's wearing a quilted vest she made herself!
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler) Details DMCA
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The author, Meryl Ann Butler, is a member of TAVA and TQG, and former instructor for MAQF. She has two quilts in the 2022 show. "Diana with a 'D', Flying Free" is in the Cherrywood exhibit. The shape of the butterfly wings are based on Diana's iconic "D" monogram. Meryl Ann's mixed media, "Goddess Emerging from the Dreamtime" quilt is made from 85 Australian Aboriginal fabrics which form the Greek Key design. A translucent image of the goddess is painted on top. This quilt is in TQG's "It's a Mystery" exhibit.
More info on MAQF:
Event is held at the Hampton Roads Convention Center, 1610 Coliseum Dr, Hampton, VA 23666. Hours: Thurs., Fri, and Sat, Feb 24-26 10:00 am - 5:00 pm; Sun. Feb 27, 10:00 - 4:00 pm. Admission is $17, it includes re-admission, and can be purchased on-site during show hours only ($15, if attending Sunday only). Accompanied children under the age of 16 are admitted free on all days. The Merchants Mall and Quilt Show daily hours will be Thursday through Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Face masks are required for entry. For additional information or to preregister for workshops, please visit www.quiltfest.com or call (215) 862-5828.
More info on TAVA:
The Textile Artists of Virginia (TAVA) meet monthly in Southwest Virginia (and now via Zoom) to support each member as a fiber artist, to explore the boundaries of the medium, and to educate and increase public awareness of fiber art.