The Committee To Say Bad Things,
And nobody approved this message
With all the money sloshing around thanks to the Supreme Court, I figured I'd make some money by starting a campaign organization The Committee To Say Bad things. It is now available for any kind of for-profit slander and calumny.
This effort would put me squarely within the field of bogus secret committees now spewing their anonymous venom all over our glorious corporate media who, thanks again to the Supreme Court, are now raking in billions in campaign advertising revenue. I wonder if Justice John Roberts owns media stocks?
In any case, I would specialize in out-of-thin-air scurrilous claims about those candidates the publicity-shy fat cats pay me to slander and render helpless to respond" particularly to those late-campaign accusations of child molesting.
I'm fully qualified for all such character assassination projects having graduated from the Swift Boat Academy of Dirty Tricks, The Karl Rove School of Villainy, The Lee Atwater College of Crippling Opponents, and the PhotoShop School of Cut and Pasting people into compromising positions.
It's a good thing we don't have any ethics left in this country, or any public campaign financing for that matter, otherwise I'd be out of a job and unable to earn a dishonest living.
The Committee To Say Bad Things is now up and running but, admittedly, the competition is really stiff. I may have to invent new methods, messages, and really emotional word associations to complete with the pros out there. However, I'm studying hard at the moment, currently reviewing all of Herman Goering's fabulous texts on propaganda. Now there's a guy who really knew how to throw a tea party!
No one said or approved this message, other than those you have no right to know
See my other libelous, hate-crimy, articles at