if Semiramis hadn't dunked babies in blood
y'all wouldn't be seeing Easter in the eastern stars,
but in muddy swamp buggies and 50's cars
I listen to Mos Def and suppose your cause
I sing my lungs out and begin in Babylon robes,
are we all celebrities and stars????
effigy that fate.
reneg on seraphim's depressed state
they all are elated in a biopic sewer grate
DNA figure eight
GREAT. That is me mate.
'cause neither Babel nor Egyptian
has the gumption fully clothed to elate
Thebes could demonstrate through thieves and liars
the hate felt by most modern men here
bipedal biosphere reminiscent of your fear
in a jet remotely controlled they appear like a spire
steer me here 'cause we are your soul's ear
like an autistic bird on a high wire
they study up and all of a sudden it's
they wanted to tell me I've mired
myself in years of worry
because in this life I've found there is no hurry.
bury me in this fury.
I love life more now
that I've seen undulating angels in tow
but don't know more angles,
than those that happenstance glow.