"This, too, shall pass."
That's a text I received from a friend this morning. It was in response to a text I had sent saying, "It sucks."
Now, I'm well aware of the "this too shall pass" philosophy of life. And, yes, it has its usefulness. But, see, I am more in the "day at a time" stage of life. At 83, waiting for something unpleasant to pass, painfully like a kidney stone, or slowly, like torture, doesn't really appeal to me.
Eckhart Tolle's philosophy of "the power of now" encourages me to focus on what's right in front of me at the moment and not imagine what's going to happen in the future because I have no control over it. Because there is only now. There is no next.
Many years ago, another friend said to me, "Bobby, isn't it great to be present in your own life." Many years ago some people actually called me Bobby.
I slowly came to realize what he was saying. Enjoy the present. Be grateful for what you have. Do something positive over things you can control. Projection breeds anxiety, breeds worry, breeds negative behavior and negative results.
So that's what I'm doing. I'm dealing with the results of the 2024 presidential election on a personal rather than professional level. That is, rather than writing a commentary in the manner of editorial writer or columnist, which I have been doing for decades, I will deal with it on a personal level, just for today.
The primary reason for this approach is that when I get in my editorial writing mode I can tend to be a little abrasive, judgmental, even sarcastic and nasty, all in the service of being honest, because, theoretically, I'm not writing just my own opinion.
I could wind up writing something like, "The only reason millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump is that they are stupid and lazy." I used to say that all the time to another friend of mine, usually blaming much of the stupidity and laziness on an education system that is failing too many people. Too many don't know history, economics, or civics. Also, there's religious zealotry and racism.
But saying that only angers people and I certainly have no control over those issues. So I'm not going to do that today.
I will, however, say that I think living a day at a time to the best of my ability will be better for my health and offer me a much better chance of being able to cast a vote for a qualified presidential candidate in four years when I won't have to worry about millions of others preferring the other candidate, who is a twice-impeached serial liar, convicted felon, adjudicated sex offender, misogynist, racist, fascist, mentally incompetent insurrectionist and lazy SOB.
So, just for today, I will walk my dog and encourage my texting friend to hug his 80-something mother.
PS: Don't get frustrated. It takes practice.
By Bob Gaydos rjgaydos@gmail.com