To hell with their blackmail demands. Tax them if they DON'T spend the money they are holding as cash. No. Make that tax them extra if they don't spend the money. Tax them 50% if they don't spend the money on investments in the future. Tax them ta lower existing tax rate (not a new, lower rate) if they invest the cash they're holding in reserve.
Then there's the money that corporations are holding outside the US. Apple does it. GE does it. They put their expenses in the US and keep their profits outside the US. It's bookkeeping BS. So now, they and their Kapos in congress are asking for tax amnesty for money outside the US. More BS. Tax them for the money they're holding outside the US even if they don't bring it in. Make the tax HIGHER than if they brought it in.
These corporate blackmailers are playing numbers games that any fool can figure out. It is obscene that the Kapos in congress who enable these criminal corporations allow this criminal activity. It is nothing less. It is insane that tea partiers have twisted their minds into such stupid, bizarre places that they want to protect these corporate criminals.
Parasitic Wasp Larvae Leaving a dying caterpillar after eating it alive, then releasing chemicals that lull it into a numbed state. Sound familiar? (image from National Geographic Parasitism video on youtube.
Small businesses function in more humane ways. We need to support small business and massively leash the big, out of control, too big to fail, particularly multinational corporations. They are out of control. They ARE the inventions science fiction writers predicted would turn on humans, and they are doing it by corrupting congress, corrupting the justice system and through the media, twisting the weak, vultnerable minds of the citizenry.
Big corporations CAN provide jobs. They can contribute to the good, but like any powerful force, they must be harnessed, leashed, controlled and focused. The idea of unrestrained corporate operations is un-natural. Any force of nature-- any great force at all, can only be useful when controls and technologies are applied to it that adapt the force to the good fo the humans who harness it.
One major force that should be exterminated is the idea of corporate personhood-- that corporations should have the same rights as human persons. This is an abomination, a blasphemy and we should begin talking to religious organizations about this.