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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 2/26/14

Ten Days Of "Tolerant Cleansing": It's Not Just Uganda. Or Nigeria. Or Gambia. It's Also ... Us!

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Rev. Dan Vojir
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aka The United Nations for .Kill a Queer for Christ. (or Allah)
aka The United Nations for .Kill a Queer for Christ. (or Allah)
(Image by Google Images w/caption by Rev Dan)
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"We're Not Slaughtering Them"

In Nigeria, people are being dragged from their homes, beaten and thrown in jail. In Uganda, a tabloid "outed" 200 people, publishing names and dates.The  Uganda cleansing  has begun.

KAMPALA, Uganda -- A Ugandan newspaper published a list Tuesday of what it called the country's "200 top" gays, outing some Ugandans and raising fears of violence against those named just a day after the president enacted a severe anti-gay law.

Of course, Ugandan minister,   Simon Lokodo, was so very reasonable amid the international backlash:

"The Pope says we should be tolerant and forbearant [sic]. Of course we've said we are tolerant. That's what we're saying -- we're not slaughtering them."

President Museveni chimed in:

"Outsiders cannot dictate to us, this is our country," said Museveni. "I advise friends from the West not to make this an issue, because if they make it an issue the more they will lose."

In Gambia:

Homosexuals have been   branded "vermin"   by an African president -- plunging the continent to a new low over its anti-gay rhetoric.
The comments came from   Yahya Jammeh, president of Gambia, who said his government would tackle gays in the same way it fights malaria-causing mosquitoes.

"As far as I am concerned, LGBT can only stand for Leprosy, Gonorrhoea, Bacteria and Tuberculosis; all of which are detrimental to human existence," he added.

In Cameroon :  

At the end of last week, police   arrested   the vice president of anti-AIDS pro-LGBT rights group Alternatives-Cameroon after he was accused of being homosexual. The man, a doctor, was unable to work on Saturday where he was supposed to oversee health screening for men who have sex with men. He was reportedly released after a few days.

And  On The Russian Front   ...

Supporters of the Russian anti-gay "propaganda law" are forming a new "coalition": The Coalition of Family Values.

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Rev. Dan Vojir is has been writing/blogging on religion and politics for the better part of ten years. A former radio talk show host (Strictly Books ‚¬" Talk America Radio Network) and book publisher, Dan has connected with some of the most (more...)
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