I was once a long-hair freak.
Fact: Back in the day I was stopped on the highway,
Searched and frisked a number of times
Between 1969 and approximately 1973.
But I never felt my life was being threatened
By the law except, briefly,
When they wanted to draft me,.
That is where the difference lies.
And that difference runs as deep
As the very soul of this country.
When they stopped trying to draft me
(Because I got my deferment)
I was back to feeling relatively secure
In my skin, albeit, I actually wasn't.
It's hard to describe, but even though
My choices probably did place me in grave danger
I felt protected!
Grave danger? Just for example,
It was as a long hair in bell-bottoms
That I ran a light in Albany once
On my way to pick up my girlfriend at the bus station,
And caused a minor accident.
My insurance and license had expired
And I was thrown in jail,
A holding cell, for 6 hours,
While my girlfriend raised my bail.
If she hadn't raised the money to spring me
I would have been sent to the penitentiary at 6:00 PM.
Calling my girlfriend was my one-allowed call.
I remember them puling my bead necklace off
And watching a hundred beads bounce and roll
Around the office of the on-duty guard.
The guard made sure I knew that
If I had been transferred to the Pen
They would have shaved my head and
Kicked the sh*t out of me.
Now something has finally shaken those foundations
Of that quasi-magical protection.
That something is Trump.
Almost every day I hear myself thinking,
Wait, He can do that!?
Most of our presidents do their dirty work
By stealth behind the scenes.
What is most shocking about Trump's ascendancy
Is not so much what he is doing
But how easily he does it
And then, that he gets away with it.
(That part is on us!)
This is my testament:
As a white activist poet, age 74,
I have always felt well protected by my magic circle
Of race, class and education.
Protected from powerful people in office
Whose agendas keep me busy
Writing poems and commentary
So that my brain stays limber,
I continue to feel somewhat relevant.
But that magic circle is turning out to be
An illusion.
I guess that is why I am having flashbacks
Of the days when I was harassed and marginalized
By the system" for wearing ragged clothes
And growing long hair
And bad-mouthing the government.
After 1975, age 24,
In school, post Watergate, Vietnam over,
No longer threatened by random shakedowns
And harassments from troopers
And being harrassed and roughed-up by red necks
I shaved my head, and shifted my attention
To what was really "rotten in Denmark",
Namely the soul and karma of my country.
I was still writing about real corruption and real crimes
But the scope and scale of the corruption
And the evil I was discovering was turning out to be
So profound and bottomless that
I began to turn to metaphor
To comprehend and process what I was dealing with --
Genocide of Native Americans,
Ubiquitous destruction of the environment,
Baked-in (systemic), constitutionalized racism,
Corporate greed being folded into university curricula,
History being rewritten to whitewash
Obeisance to Nuclear-monotheism,
(i.e., there is only one God
And that one God gives us permission
To drop the bomb first.)
(Somehow I have managed to grow up in a monoculture
That thinks that is OK, to run with the nuclear football!)
The funny thing is,
Even though I saw all this
And conceived metaphors to write about it,
Nobody noticed and nobody cared!
But there was power in that.
Like Dylan writes in "LIke a Rolling Stone"
"You got nothing to lose,
You're invisible now, you got no secrets
To conceal."
The people who have the power to make me miserable
Were right in my metaphorical crosshairs.
As I became a better and better poet,
I began to feel special and invincible.
But I didn't realize it until fairly recently,
That my real superpower was my color.
That may not be the case much longer,
But for most of my life, except when I was a long-hair
Fighting the draft and protesting Vietnam,
Being white and heterosexual was a like a pass
To keep moving around the board
Collecting dividends here and there.
I actually think that, because John Kennedy
And Roberty Kennedy,
The whitest of white privileged, heterosexual dudes,
Were assassinated first (followed shortly by M Luther King Jr
And Malcolm X), that made me feel less invincible,
Being cut from the same cloth as those Kennedy boys
Was not a bullet-proof defense.
I actually thought (a few years after the fact)
That their executions leveled
The field of racial inequity when it came to
Vulnerability to evil, and I still think it did,
For a while.
But there was a shadow attached to liberal whiteness
That I couldn't detach from or outgrow.
I think smart well-meaning people in my life
Have tried to point this out over the years,
Even my own son,
But I was too committed to saying what I had to say.
To listen.
There was a bag I had to empty.
My disdain and loathing for what I saw
When I looked into the soul of my country
(and into the soul of the Western world for that matter)
With my poet's X-ray vision,
Was running the show.
Even as I initiated over the decades,
And became more real to myself and resilient,
The shadow of white privilege stalked me.
What woke me up to how I can't outrun it
Or initiate out of it, also opened my eyes to how,
No matter what I do, I am stuck with that shadow
Until I segway out of this life!
Trump's ascendancy has given me one thing
For which I am indebted to him.
He has returned to me the integrity
That comes with being vulnerable.
There have been moments,
Even phases in my life, when
I actually thought, "This is going to work for me,
Being this person, this poet, this artist, this pacifist,
This dreamworker, this nature lover,
This father, this shamanic practitioner."
But the shadow of white privilege was perennially there
To whisper ". . . ah-ah-ah, not so fast mister. . ."
What Trump has done for me is,
He has made me feel almost genuinely relevant again
For refusing to trade in my X-ray vision for security.
Because it is quite possible that, maybe not he,
But his successor, might start arresting
People like me, white or not,
Like the Thought Police in Orwell's 1984.
I'm going to finish up my life,
Continuing to find ways to metaphorize my truth
Even if it comes with the shadow of white privilege.
I am only human.
And what feels really good is,
I know what I mean by that,
And what I mean by human
Transcends my white ass.
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