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Life Arts    H3'ed 4/29/22

The Allegory of Pluto's Cave

Author 517692

John Hawkins
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In Gustave Dore''s illustrations for the fourth circle, the weights are huge money bags
In Gustave Dore''s illustrations for the fourth circle, the weights are huge money bags
(Image by Public Domain)
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In Dante's 4th circle of Plutocratic hell
they sang white man's blues and stolen dirges all day
satyrs harped on and sad angels tolled a slow bell
to rue bought-and-sold souls marked down and thrown away

What a miserable lot, fat in their emptiness!
Some talked like Buddhas and listened to Nirvana
echo chamber narcissists string fugue state success
others vaped tundra methane fields sang Hosanna

Of all the deadly sins greed's got to be the worst
so much need so much worldly suffering ignored
indeed, populations grown and fatted out, cursed
kine with reckless unquenchable desires, whored

Let Musk have Twitter, let Trump rise from the ashes
of the Dumpster fire crowd, wear false Hitler 'staches,
unplug the grids, turn out the lights, monster bashes
all night, every night, every day night, lightning lashes

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John Kendall Hawkins is an American ex-pat freelance journalist and poet currently residing in Oceania.

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