A recent study done by Michael Ford, (Founding Director of The Center for The Study of The American Dream At Xavier University; http://www.xavier.edu/americandream) found that while 97.5 percent of those applying for American Citizenship by taking a 10-question test passed by answering 6 of the 10 questions correctly, one in three native-born citizens failed the Civic portion according to telephone interviews of 1,023 citizens; or put another way, only 66 percent would pass. If the needed number of correct answers were 7 out of 10, half of the native-born citizens would have failed.
While it is alarming to hear of such statistics, it doesn't begin to tell the whole story. Native-born citizens have a pretty good handle on geography; they have a bit less knowledge of the day-to-day functioning of our country. Sure, a lot of people could name the Pacific ocean as our West Coast ocean (96 percent). But what if you live in Hawaii? Ninety-nine percent could name the current President (Barack Obama) but only 71 percent could name the Vice President (Joe Biden); even fewer (38 percent) could name the current Speaker of the House (John Boehner), who is third in line for the presidency if anything should happen to the president and the vice president.
Only 26 percent could name the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (John Roberts) -- the driving force behind the Citizen's United decision (unlimited campaign contributions) and the appointment of President George Bush as president. Imagine that. The Supreme Court appointed a president -- not elected by popular vote nor the electoral college, rather appointed by a Supreme Court whose mission is to uphold the Constitution, which clearly states they have no power to do so. But it's okay. In their decision they made it clear that their decision could not be used in the future as a precedent of law. Well, perhaps not until the next time, anyway.
Only 98 percent of those native-born citizens questioned knew what happened on September 11, 2001 -- which goes to show the value of a local newspaper subscription. The other 2 percent were either tricked by the question, never talk to anyone or can't read -- which brings about the question of our educational system. But that is a subject for another article.
Hey, I can't blame the ignorance within this country on not being able to read. I can blame it on the Department of Education for failing to teach civics. Okay, maybe not everyone goes to school, but it is required by law; even though the tea party conservatives would like to see that law removed and the Department of Education abolished. It is an obvious attempt to limit their exposure to the crimes and misdemeanors committed every day in Washington. If the citizens don't know how the government is supposed to operate, then they cannot oppose what politicians are doing in the name of those they [sic] represent. It's a good plan, in the race to the bottom.
In a country where 62 percent of the native-born citizens cannot name their own current state governor, what kind of government do these people deserve? Unless it's on the evening news or in the plot of a reality show, most Americans don't even want to know. I am blown away by that fact. If they don't know their current governor's name, they must not have wanted to know. Volumes can be written about the fact that people simply "don't want to know." Lazy? Don't care? Doesn't make any difference? Just what can be an excuse for such ignorance about the man/woman who taxes your income, can put you in jail for not paying him/her and puts the money into the hands of his/her inner circle of friends. The one that can take your retirement savings, decide if you get emergency health care if you don't have insurance, condemn your property and take it with an act of eminent domain so that his buddies can build a mall on the farm your family has owned for decades, and you don't even know his name. The shame is yours.
I can't blame the ignorance of the American people solely upon the people themselves -- although they certainly earn my disdain. It is the manifestation of delusion perpetrated by the Lizards of Washington which assure their continued servitude.
The Constitution, known by only 29 percent as the supreme law of the land, assures every American (The Bill of Rights) the right to assemble, the right to free speech and freedom of expression, the freedom to practice any religion or no religion at all, the freedom of the press, and freedom to petition the government for redress of grievances -- all this in just the 1st Amendment. James Madison knew that the people would not stand up for themselves, so he stood up for them until the appointed President Bush decided (he was the decider as you will remember) that the people no longer needed the Constitution for their protection against an over-invasive federal government. Hell, keep 'em fat, dumb and happy, and put the fear of terror into their heads and hearts and they will follow your lead. So now we no longer enjoy voicing our opinion without the fear of recrimination and incarceration. Serves us dumb bastards right. We let it happen!
The 2nd Amendment allows for the possession and the right to bear arms, but only in a well-regulated militia. It's amazing how many Americans must be members of a militia. Does a person need to show their militia membership card to buy a gun? Shoot 'em if they don't agree. Water pistols are forbidden, but real guns are just fine at the upcoming national conventions.
The 4th Amendment has been torn to shreds with that fear of the terror issue. No one feels secure in their person, their papers, their houses and effects with a surveillance force numbering several hundred thousand government employees doing their thing. What's a warrant, anyway? Don't bother the judge for a warrant, he is out playing golf with John Boehner and Eric Cantor right now.
And so the Bill of Rights goes up in shreds. Due process of law, the right for a speedy and fair trial, has become possible indefinite retention without charge; police tyranny, strip-searches for minor infractions; and the list goes on. The Justice Department refuses to investigate the criminal offenses of previous administrations (Nixon, Johnson, Reagan, Clinton, and Bush) and the ongoing crimes committed by the banking industry. It is of little wonder why only 15 percent of native-born citizens could correctly identify "the rule of law" (Everyone must obey the law, leaders must obey the law, government must obey the law, and no one is above the law). It simply does not exist in America today.
While every one of our elected officials takes an oath to uphold the constitution (except for the two house members who skipped out on the day of the pledge, with no repercussions), few are there to represent anything but their own best interests. They serve to make money, to milk the system, to enjoy the luxury financed through the coffers of campaign contributions, and want to keep the American public -- the people they were elected to represent -- ignorant.
The reason native-born citizens have difficulty in passing the Nationalization test is directly a result of what we have witnessed over the past few decades. While the Constitution says one thing, the government operates in another way, bending the rules as they (the faceless bunch of bureaucrats) see fit. Even the U.S. government's own official website for Nationalization test questions has inaccuracies. As a previous resident of the state of Ohio, I can say without question, that Ohio does not border Canada (test question #92 - acceptable answer).
The government lies. Don't just get over it - get indignant!