War can take a very wide range of forms. In the society/culture I come from, when the subject of war comes up, people imagine body-strewn battlefields, bombed cities, maimed soldier survivors, ordinary civilian faces blanched and distorted by shock and despair, uniformed, or just well-dressed, gesticulating leaders" images of humans engulfed by spreading material chaos" mushroom clouds" and so on.
Not many think of hackers and propaganda networks except maybe as blurred peripheral images. But what is war today? What does it look like? So far it looks like short bursts of intense overt bombing with long intervals of swarming proxy puppet activity and elaborate propaganda networks and furtive intrigue, all covering up local horror stories that never fully surface in mainstream media. We just see their unsettling edges that rapidly sink back into the dark; and all this covering up the deeper abyss that remains completely invisible. Mostly we see enormous propaganda images that are taken for reality. A sort of induced collective psychosis that becomes "normal."
The United States is presently at war with Russia. It is a very civilized war. It sensitively avoids the actualizing in the minds and the material world of the citizens the traditional images described above. So to normal, sane thinking, there is no war. There is just this rational, ethical, non-aggressive justified effort to stop the Putin-deluded Russians from destroying real civilization. (It is only Putin who is engaged in real "war" in Syria). This is war concentrated down to image control, mind control. Thereby it corrals and accumulates the suppressed energy of fear and hysteria, so if the time comes for open traditional war then all the tyrants have to do is open the gates and there is a hurricane of madness at their disposal.
But the most important thing about this new war is that even if you see it for what it is, you cannot do anything about it: Because you can't find IT. "No man can find the war." The war effort is too spread out and decentralized, at least the aspects of it that are visible, for you to get a hold of it and show it to everyone. To the mainstream you look like a crank who is probably just acting out some personal neurosis. Oh, you can show it to your friends, you can preach to the choir -- like a drunk on a street corner. And if you actually start making sense to larger numbers of people, then you get noticed -- watched -- and you discover the cyber-dimension of the propaganda aspect of the war. Meet the cyber-police.
The current alternative independent cyber-press is the underground resistance in the new war. Its biggest problem, which it has not fully recognized, is that it has already been infiltrated by the cyber-police who pass for fellow resistance freedom-fighters. How do you know with whom you are actually conversing in cyber-space if you have not met them personally? And even then" And there is the ultimate question of who actually owns and controls the internet.
If war becomes openly declared, you will find out emphatically who controls the internet and controls the flow of information. But as strange as it may sound, this flow of information in the usual sense of real "news," is not actually the most important aspect of this communication tool. Then what is?
It is your ability to make meaningful contact with human beings on the other side of the battle line: with Russians. I don't just mean with Russian activists or rebels. I mean "ordinary" Russians. The people you are at war with. You might say, "I am not at war with the Russian people, it is a tragic misunderstanding beyond my control caused by"---Then let them know that you are not at war with them and that it is a misunderstanding that you want above all to correct.
For now we have the ability to communicate across political/economic borders, across the battle line. We need to begin creating a gigantic communications network with the Russian people. This is more important than any news story. With the cyber tools available to us this can be done if we want it badly enough. Imagine. Can you imagine a gigantic communications network between Americans and Russians that says, "NO! NO WAR! WE WILL NOT GO TO WAR AGAINST OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN RUSSIA!" (Do you actually care about the Russian people?)
For the first time in history such a thing is actually possible. What more worthy thing could you give your effort to? I am asking everyone connected with OEN, insiders and outsiders, to contribute to such an effort. Can we begin a discussion about how this could be done?
If you think this is naà ¯ve or impractical then please tell me your plan to avoid the approaching black hurricane on the horizon. If you don't see this hurricane on the horizon then please describe to me the planet you are living on.
And, yes, we will be confronted ruthlessly, ferociously and furtively by the war machine and we will be accused of treason. And we will be guilty of treason against the war machine of the global tyrants. We will be guilty of refusing to be led into hell. We will be guilty of standing with our brothers and sisters.
The global tyrants want globalism? Let's give them globalism. Let's help them hoist themselves with their own petard. And we must begin now. As a friend of mine said to me recently, I wish I could say "all the time in the world."
For now, you might not even have to get up from the armchair.
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