"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." George Washington
George Washington was a pretty smart guy. He was able to see hundreds of years into the future and warn us of what would come to pass. And he was right. We just didn't heed the warning very well"
Amidst the rancor of the faux healthcare debacle and the political posturing over the reconciliation process, the larger issue continues to go on unmolested. This country has many serious problems; most of which we would agree on. The education system is a disaster. The economy is in shambles. Job creation is stagnant. We have abandoned our history as a producing nation. Torture, terrorism, war crimes, civil liberties (or what's left of them) the list just goes on. But the mistake we keep making is a diagnostic problem. We keep treating these as conditions instead of symptoms. They are not the disease itself but merely the results of the disease. And that cancer, which is slowly eating away at the fabric of our once proud republic, is the two-party system.
Take a good long look at that quote from George Washington; the father of our country. How frighteningly accurate is that? Sure political parties may now and again answer popular ends. If you want to pretend something will be done about abortion, the GOP will sell you on pro-life. If you want to fight for gay rights, the dems will likely provide you with the answer. But that's the side show folks. I know that is a bitter pill to swallow; that your cause cà �là �bre may not be as important in the grand scheme of things as you think it is; but too bad. Open your minds to accept the fact that you are being used; regardless of which party you swear allegiance to.
And while they may now and again answer popular ends, they have indeed become potent engines by which cunning and unprincipled men have been enabled to subvert the will of the people. That is a brilliant dissection of our current problem proffered by a man speaking hundreds of years ago. Because what you have in WashingtonDC is absolute power. The fact of who is in the majority is nothing but an illusion. They both are in the majority and neither care about the interests of those who actually still believe there is a significant difference between the two parties. Skeptical? Just look at the healthcare debate. The democrats and progressives in this country voted for change. This proposal is not change. Every significant provision has been stripped out of it. Whatever the special interests and lobbyists wanted they got from both parties. Even after all of the dressing down of this bill, the GOP wants it shelved completely under the guise of "starting over." The dems want something, ANYTHING to pass so they can claim some sort of victory. They each go before the cameras and grandstand and pretend that their positions are so diametrically opposed but they are not. Either way, big pharma and big medical wins; while you and I lose.
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