Grafter - don't vote it only encourages them: London street art
(Image by mermaid99 from flickr) Details DMCA
Just this morning I received an appeal from a colleague of mine about the upcoming election. He begged those on his mailing list to please vote for Kamala Harris. He said that allowing Donald Trump to be elected would be disastrous not only for the United States, but for the world. So, please, please vote for the sitting Vice President.
Believe me, I completely understand where my friend is coming from. I too dread the thought of four more years of yet another Trump presidency. For that reason, I'd never vote for him. Neither would I ever vote for a Republican. They're just too much in the pockets of our country's richest 1%.
However, I've come to realize that the same has become true for the Democrats. They too serve the interests of that same 1%. They're just Republican Lite. With their colleagues across the aisle, they've formed a kind of Uni-Party.
I mean, like the Republicans, the Democrats have shown that they don't really care about working people, except at election time. The Blues like the Reds care only about their donors.
Think about it: neither party gives a damn about what you or I think concerning Palestinians, raising the minimum wage, fairly taxing the rich and corporations, universal health care, free college tuition, homelessness, cancellation of debt for college graduates, gun legislation, nuclear arms control, closing federal lands to oil interests, a green New Deal, repairing our country's collapsing infrastructure, high-speed rail, or solving the root problems of immigration. The list goes on. Yes, Democrats sometimes pay lip service to such issues. But that's about as far as it goes.
Moreover, Democratic foreign policy is indistinguishable from the Republicans. There's hardly a sliver of difference between them on Israel, Ukraine, or China. Nothing about diplomacy and its inherent need for compromise. Instead, for both parties, foreign policy has been reduced to three elements. Everyone must follow U.S. directives or face bombing, sanctions, and/or regime change. That's it! Bombing, sanctions, and regime change.
(To give him his due however, at least Donald Trump has promised to end the Ukraine nonsense - the issue that has overridden everything else for the Biden presidency since 2022. Since that time, the U.S. has spent more than $175 billion on Ukraine. $175 billion!! That's enough to solve all the problems listed above. But all the while Democrats have joined Republicans in claiming that there's not enough money for addressing those issues - not even for FEMA in the wake of Helene and Milton.)
What I'm saying is America has become a failed state. Its system is not worth participating in. Bent on having our 4.5% of the world's population controlling the entire thing, it's completely corrupt. Moreover, completely controlled by money and the military industrial complex, it can't be reformed. Even if Democrats wanted to address the problems listed above, the Republicans would never let them. Realizing this, instead of owning their working-class identity, the former have decided to become more like the latter. Republican Lite! The result is a completely frozen irreformable system.
And don't tell me that we can vote ourselves out of this mess. Again, the system won't let us. I mean, no one's even talking about eliminating the Electoral College, are they? So, we keep getting "leaders" unsupported by the country's majority. Seven "swing states" determine the whole thing reducing the rest of us to mere spectators. We're left wondering which sock puppet the voters in Ohio, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania will choose. I live in Connecticut, a solidly blue state. Why should I vote? It's all a charade.
But here let me slow down. None of what I've written so far represents my decisive reason for sitting out this election. It's simply this: I CAN'T VOTE FOR GENOCIDERS.
Can you?
For me it's a moral issue. I just can't do it anymore than I could have voted for that mustached man in Germany nearly a century ago.
For me, apartheid is non-negotiable. Settler colonialism is non-negotiable. But above all, GENOCIDE IS NON-NEGOTIABLE. I can't support any government committing genocide. And that's what a Harris presidency promises to continue. So will a Trump presidency.
End of discussion.
But who knows? Perhaps a Trump victory will at last cause Democrats to ask themselves why. It might drive them to realize that Republican Lite doesn't cut it for working people. It might lead Democrats to unabashedly become the party of Roosevelt's New Deal, of election reform, higher wages, universal health care, a Green New Deal, just taxation, loan forgiveness, defunding Israel's genocide, nuclear disarmament, and enlightened immigration policy (that connects asylum seekers with failed U.S. policies such as the War on Drugs and the North American Free Trade Agreement).
Don't hold your breath though. And buckle up. It's going to be a rough ride.