Is that Hillary Clinton holding on to Elizabeth Warren? Yes. It is. Weird huh?
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Her poll numbers plummeted after that and never recovered. That was a shock to the Clinton wing of the Democrat establishment since they had put their people, money and resources to work for Kamala as heir apparent to Hillary. I imagine the plan was to run a Kamala/Hillary ticket if she had won. So maybe debates can be useful in that they can weed out weak or compromised candidates who are being foisted on an unsuspecting public by a major propaganda campaign, if a strong candidate is there to take them on.
What else can a debate accomplish? The last debate in October saw Pete Buttigieg go after Tulsi Gabbard ostensibly about Syria. His real purpose was to show himself as a trustworthy corporate stooge. Even though Tulsi is lower in the polls than Pete and the others, the media was treating Tulsi as the one to be feared onstage ever since she took Kamala Harris down for the count. Kamala came away humiliated and became a national object of mockery and derision. Pete obviously had a plan to stand up and be noticed as the other veteran on stage who could counter-punch with the best of them. And he did convince many people that he scored well on points. But to many others in what we can refer to as "the reality-based community" it was little more than a laughable failure since his argument made no sense whatsoever. But it did accomplish what he set out to do, which was to show off his willingness to be a reliable stooge of the corporate foreign-policy consensus.
Is there anything else the debates are good for? They have served as a chilling reminder of the weaknesses of the front runner Joe Biden and of the Democrat establishment wing. After the Kamala Harris failure, the other major establishment figure in the debate has shown that he is clearly not ready for prime time. That the largest political party in the most powerful country in the history of the world could put forth a person with such an obviously shaky grasp on reality, says everything you need to know about the Democrat party. The fact that he is still leading in the polls tells us what we need to know about many Democrat voters. So the debates are in fact teaching us these very important lessons: A) The establishment wing of the Democrat party has such poor leadership that they have put themselves into a position of being forced to support someone, again, who is clearly not up to the task at hand. Remember how Hillary was crushing Trump in the polling till the end? B) The average Democrat voter is not well informed nor paying attention to the debates or the election. Because if they were, how could anyone support Joe Biden? Clearly his base is "people who do not pay attention but remember him as Obama's sidekick".
Joe Biden has a long track record as a very respectable and accomplished politician... if he were a Republican. But still, he is getting more support than anyone else in the polls because of the ignorance of so many among the Democratic base about what Joe Biden has done in the past. While the right-wing media sing songs daily about the looming communist menace of the "looney left," the Democrats, in reality, have as their leading candidate someone who is more right-wing than many Republicans. He makes Hillary look like Che Guevera. Does the Democrat base know that? Of course not. They are obviously tuned out. This we know for certain because the debates show a frail old man with a frail grasp of reality yet still he tops the charts. For that we can thank the corporate stooge media who are too cretinous to see the failure they are once again lining up like lemmings behind.
What else can the debates do besides bore us? They have unexpectedly given us a new hero to root for. While Bernie Sanders continues his years-long battle against the corporate dragons who are desperate to take him down, one candidate has stood out in each debate and ended up the most searched for of them all every time, even though she has obviously been ignored by the corporate stooge moderators as much as they could without looking like they are told to keep her from speaking. And I will fight anyone who says they haven't been told to do just that. Yet even with her limited time, it has been shown that, even in such a limiting format as a stooge-controlled corporate debate, Tulsi Gabbard has the ability to transcend those limitations and become, well... the belle of the ball. Which has infuriated the corporate stooge media to no end.
Every day we, the poor pitiable sane public, are put through an unending barrage of childishly insane behavior from the cretins who pass themselves off as "respectable journalists." As laughable as their self-deluded conceit is, they do in fact command power over the masses of unwitting propaganda victims otherwise known as the Democratic base. Which is why that even though only two Democrat candidates stand out as clearly working ONLY for the best interests of the people in general, their combined total of support is less than a quarter of the Democratic vote. Clearly the propagandist media is winning over most of the people. That is the power of owning the realm of mass-media propaganda.
But propaganda is not the only power in this world. The next debate will show everyone where the true power truly resides.