February 15, 2021 (Brian Berletic - LD) - A common feature of US-backed regime change is the creation and use of "medical" organizations that augment violent protesters and use their uniforms, vehicles, and facilities as a form of cover for subversion and sedition.
This is of course a breach of the principle of medical neutrality and a crime under the Geneva Conventions.
In the video above, I introduce the Thai-based "Doctors and Nurse Associate" which claims to be a medical volunteer organization and is frequently spotted at US-backed anti-government protests in Thailand. One of their medics was allegedly chased down, subdued, and arrested by Thai police.
A visit to their social media accounts reveals a very overt political agenda - often retweeting US government funded-fronts like iLaw, Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR), Prachatai, as well as fake human rights groups like Human Rights Watch.
They are using their work as medics as a means to both promote anti-government protests in Thailand, and as a means to augment and provide cover for anti-government activities.
This should be particularly troubling for those who remember the use and abuse of medical uniforms during other US-backed regime change operations including recently in Hong Kong and during the proxy war in Syria where the notorious "White Helmets" were all but Al Qaeda terrorists dressed as medics and rescue workers and carrying out war propaganda.