There is a house down in DC,
Where the good fight's fought and won.
So say the members, but really
It's the House Where Not Much Gets Done*.
Their grandpas led hard-scrabble lives**
Spent toiling in the mines.
Left with ruined lungs and sickly sons,
And grandkids without spines.
It's not just spines House members lack.
It's guts, heart, brains, voice too.
They never will, but still they pledge
To always fight for you.
Their gramps are rolling in their graves.
What has the House become?
The members act like fools and knaves
In the House Where Not Much Gets Done.
* You know that not much is getting done when lawmakers say things like, "This is just the first step" (somehow forgetting to add that the second step is three, or 10 or 30 short years away); "This bill is soooo much better than before" (forgetting that the relevant comparison is what the bill accomplishes vs. what is needed from a bill); and "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" (forgetting that "the good" can still suck).
** It's a little-known fact, but long ago, the Senate Parliamentarian ruled that to be a House member in good standing, a representative must be willing to relentlessly refer to their plucky forbears who came to the U.S. with nothing more than a desire to work hard and go to church. The Parliamentarian also ruled that any song about House reps must feature their ancestors as well.