On 27 June 1981 ayatollah Khamenei, the current Iranian geriatric Supreme Leader was in a mosque to make a speech. There were at least one hundred tape recorders in front of him to tape his speech.one of the participants pushed the tapping buttons of one of the recorders, about one minute into his speech the device blew up and he was badly injured and trapped under the rubble.
In those days when one of the Iranian revolutionary leaders would be making a speech, regular people would put a cassette tape player in front of the speaker to tape the speech and send it to other religious centers. I guess this was the last time that the revolutionary guards permitted this method of taping the Iranian leaders.
On that occasion when Khamenei was taken out of the rubble, he was badly wounded, someone threw him in the back of his car and rushed him to the hospital. He did not have a pulse and was badly injured. The doctors kept on giving him blood and called the best surgeon in Tehran to the hospital. In about ten minutes he began to bleed which was a sign that his heart was beginning to work. The surgeon started working on him. There was severe harm to his right hand, right lung, and small lacerations to the right side of the head. The surgeon did an excellent job and kept him alive. Eventually, he lost his right hand and learned to write with his left hand. However, there were no other visible problems .The picture above shows him a few days later, alive and alert. The driver and the surgeon with the help of god or devil (I think the devil) kept him alive.
The injury to his head was so minimal that he did not need a Band-Aid and being alert and oriented did not require further examination of the head (at that time there were no MRI machines and even if there was one it would not have shown anything).
His behavior during later years manifested a condition which is called anosognosia in neurology. Any Injury or explosion affecting the right side of the brain causes the patient to lose their awareness to their deficit, believe that they are okay, insist that there is nothing wrong and don't listen to advice of doctors and nurses. They become very aggressive and difficult people. We used to call it McEnroe syndrome after that obnoxious tennis player.
This ailment is in total contrast to left sided injury of the brain, where patients get depressed, cry frequently and listen to advice of nurses. The immediate symptom of anosognosia is their lack of attention to deficits at night, they get up and go to the bathroom without asking for help, causing them to fall. Patient falls are the second common cause of injury in patients in the world, second only to car accidents.
In this case our patient has had full control of the entire country, his religious position makes him a kind of saint in the eyes of his followers. Iran has vast reservoirs of oil and second largest reservoirs of natural gas in the world, along with many other natural resources and has the highest level of educated population in the Middle East. So one can assume that the country must be in great shape. However, his lack of knowledge of his deficits and his stupid decisions has made him one of the most hated leaders in the world and guilty of the worst crimes against humanity by international laws.
(Article changed on Mar 09, 2023 at 3:33 AM EST)