Economic expansion takes us all the way
To the promised land of god and good and gold. Lemonade?
The Polly twins politely enquire, in the shade,
To the duckrabbiting businessman, proudly gay,
Who lays down his load -- brochures and pamphlets -- to drink
The bitter wrath, the ichor of old gods grown stale;
And Mister Mardi Gras winces, his face grows pale,
He begins to resemble Engelbert Humpderdinck.
O the polymorphous perversity of little girls
we call Nana and Lulu "inadvertently"
geniused by some dumpling salesman (now). And that Tree
of Knowledge that keeps getting us in trouble. Pig pearls!
Mardi had a flash: LGBTQ+
until the new alphabet includes all of us!