What Ms. Goldberg failed to realize,
given the gist of her question, is that the "problem" Ann Romney would face
were she to become First Lady in regard to the parents and loved ones of slain American
service men and women (interestingly, no First Lady or any other American politician
for that matter feels the need to comfort the parents and loved ones of slain
Afghans), is no different from the problem faced by Michelle Obama, or Laura
Bush, or Nancy Reagan and it has nothing to do with whether their husbands
served or avoided military service. Rather, it is the problem of attempting to
console the inconsolable; the problem of looking into the faces of devastated
men, women, and children and of fabricating a justification for what she knows,
or should know, to be policy of imperialism, militarism, and war that entailed the
criminal slaughter of their children, husbands, wives, and parents. It is the
problem of ignoring her husbands' culpability in these needless deaths; and the
problem of feigning sincere concern and empathy while spouting meaningless
rhetoric about freedom, national defense, and gratitude for their sacrifice. Such
pretense, in my view, requires a profound callousness and insensitivity to the
pain and suffering of other human beings. So perhaps Ms. Goldberg need not
worry should Mitt Romney become President as, judging from what I've seen of
Ann Romney, I believe she possesses the ability to play the role and accomplish
this task as successfully and as convincingly as have Michelle, Laura, and