"Now, with respect to working with Congress, I think it's fair to say that I have gone out of my way in every instance, sometimes at my own political peril and to the frustration of Democrats, to work with Republicans to find common ground to move this country forward -- in every instance, whether it was during the lame duck session when we were able to get an agreement on making sure that the payroll tax was cut in the first place and making sure that unemployment insurance was extended, [or] to my constant efforts during the debt ceiling to try to get what's been called a grand bargain, in which we had a balanced approach to actually bringing down our deficit and debt in a way that wouldn't hurt our recovery. Each time, what we've seen is games-playing, a preference to try to score political points rather than actually get something done on the part of the other side. And that has been true not just over the last six months; that's been true over the last two and a half years." Barack Obama, President of the United States of American, at a press conference, in answer to a question from Ben Feller of The Associated Press, October 6, 2011.
Day984/Oct1st/Saturday: In his Weekly Address, the President discussed the letters he received every day asking for action on jobs, and he called on the United States Congress to pass the American Jobs Act right away. Transcript Video
The President delivered remarks at the Human Rights Campaign 's 15th Annual National Dinner in Washington, D.C. Transcript Video
The President and First Lady Michelle Obama celebrated their 19th (October 3rd) wedding anniversary at the Eve Restaurant in Alexandria, Virginia. Source
Day985/Oct2nd/Sunday: Nothing to report.
Day986/Oct3rd/Monday: The President held a Cabinet Meeting to discuss job creation in the Cabinet Room of the White House. President's Remarks before the Meeting Video
The President met with ABC's George Stephanopoulos and took questions submitted through Yahoo.com . Source
The President met with the three student winners of the Google Science Fair. Video
The President met with the U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands Fay Hartog-Levin . Source
The President issued a message to the United States Congress, informing them, "Pursuant to my constitutional authority and as contemplated by section 446 of the District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act as amended in 1989, I am transmitting the District of Columbia's 2012 Budget Request Act. This transmittal does not represent an endorsement of the contents of the D.C. government's requests. The proposed 2012 Budget Request Act reflects the major programmatic objectives of the Mayor and the Council of the District of Columbia. For 2012, the District estimates total revenues and expenditures of $10.9 billion."
The President, in a released statement on his submission of the Korea, Colombia, and Panama Trade Agreements, declared, "The series of trade agreements I am submitting to Congress today will make it easier for American companies to sell their products in South Korea, Colombia, and Panama and provide a major boost to our exports. These agreements will support tens of thousands of jobs across the country for workers making products stamped with three proud words: Made in America. We've worked hard to strengthen these agreements to get the best possible deal for American workers and businesses, and I call on Congress to pass them without delay, along with the bipartisan agreement on Trade Adjustment Assistance that will help workers whose jobs have been affected by global competition."
A fact sheet on the U.S.-Korea Trade Agreement was made available HERE . Messages to Congress on the U.S. trade agreements with Columbia , Korea , and Panama
The President sent these nominations to the United States Senate:
Earl W. Gast , of California, to be an Assistant Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, vice Katherine Almquist, resigned.
Roberta S. Jacobson , of Maryland, a Career Member of the Senior Executive Service, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Western Hemisphere Affairs) Bio
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