The reason you cannot permit private insurance to compete with a single-payer system is that they would be free to then offer very cheap comprehensive coverage to people who present the lowest risks which would sink the s-p system because it needs full participation of everyone, healthy and sick, old and young in order to work. Otherwise it will be populated mostly with people who are at greater risk and who are more expensive to treat.That is why people who propose allowing parallel systems are really trying to save a system where the gatekeepers are the insurance companies. Don't think they don't know it either. They are selling a system that cannot work in order to kill Medicare for All.
That's why I have no tolerance for these corrupt shills. They know the realities but are hoping the public doesn't. The media is also a willing co-conspirator in pushing this as a better and more popular option.
I am a retired advertising sales executive/manager and am now Executive Director of the Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC). I am also a member of the Senior Editor Team at Op Ed News. I also serve as Research Director and Board (more...)