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The Scariest Place On Earth: Trump's Unrepentant Hell House.

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Rev. Dan Vojir
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A hell house, like a conventional haunted-house attraction, is a space set aside for actors to frighten patrons with gruesome exhibits and scenes, presented as a series of short vignettes with a narrated guide. Unlike haunted houses, hell houses focus on real-life situations and the effects of sin or the fate of unrepentant sinners in the afterlife.

With all the ghosts of Presidents past haunting the White House, it would be natural to think of it as the scariest house in the country. But the award of "scariest" was never claimed until President Trump set foot in it. President Truman made light of what he thought were the ghosts of Lincoln, Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt occupying the house. President Trump has said some disparaging things about the White House ("a dump"), but has yet to say anything about ghosts.

Perhaps that's because his own persona has frightened them away. After all, looking back in history at Presidents past, there might only be a handful of them who would think he was any good for the country. Many of them, like Lincoln, would have been shocked that such a boastful, unrepentant narcissist would ever walk the same corridors.

Lack of conscience - being unrepentant - is a very, very frightening personality disorder, given to sociopathic tendencies. No wonder that the ghosts of the White House would never want to set their ectoplasmic feet in there again!

"Attack, Counter-Attack, and Never Apologize" - Roy Cohn

During his campaign for President, Donald Trump exhibited signs of Roy Cohn's dictum: he relentlessly attacked --Crooked Hillary" and never once apologized for anything he said. He never apologized to Obama for birtherism. The infamous "grab-em-by-the-p*ssy" tape was dismissed as "locker room talk" without the hint of a mea culpa. He should have apologized to WH Press Corps families the other day when he used their trick-or-treating children to dig at them.(1) When asked if he had anything to repent for or anything he regretted in his life, his pat answer was "no". He never really stated that he accepted Jesus Christ as his savior, simply because he saw no sin to be saved from. Over three years ago:

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Perfect people don't need to apologize.(2) People who think of themselves as perfect and who have no consciences(3) are scary.

They never admit to sins like lying.

Washington Post, Oct. 9, 2017:

In 263 days, President Trump has made, 1318 false and misleading claims

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Rev. Dan Vojir is has been writing/blogging on religion and politics for the better part of ten years. A former radio talk show host (Strictly Books ‚¬" Talk America Radio Network) and book publisher, Dan has connected with some of the most (more...)
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